Race equity projects
Statement on the use of Positive Action
Positive action describes special measures aimed at alleviating disadvantage or under-representation experienced by those with a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010. Section 159 of the act allows the use of positive action in certain circumstances: To lessen disadvantage for those sharing a protected characteristic and reduce under-representation in particular activities. Any such measures are to be a proportionate way of achieving a relevant aim.
- Read more about Positive Action
The forms of positive action allowed under the Equality Act (2010):
General positive action, for example, reserving places for a protected group on training courses or providing mentoring to increase representation at senior levels
Positive action specifically relating to recruitment and promotion, also known as the ‘tie-break provision’
The availability of scholarships and bursaries to students sharing a protected characteristic
in relation to disabled people
Therefore, where UCL reasonably thinks those sharing a protected characteristic experience a disadvantage connected to that characteristic; and may have needs that are different from the needs of persons who do not share it; or participation in an activity is disproportionately low the use of positive action initiatives is considered. UCL will ensure appropriate procedures to allow continuous review for the impact of and need for its actions, to ensure these actions continue to fall within the scope of positive action.