
UCL Institute of Health Informatics


Software Development with Python for Health Data Science

In this course, students with a limited knowledge of programming will learn how to construct reliable, readable, efficient software for data-intensive research in a collaborative environment. The emphasis is on practical techniques, tips, and technologies to effectively build and maintain complex code. This is a intensive, practical course.

Module code


UCL credits


Course Length

9 Weeks

Face to Face Dates

Term 1, Weeks 6-10 & 12-16, Thursday 10:00 - 17:30

Assessment Dates


Module organisers

Dr Holger KunzPlease direct queries to courses-IHI@ucl.ac.uk


  • To equip students with limited experience of programming with the knowledge and skills required for the efficient development of useful and reliable software.
  • To give students a detailed knowledge of programming techniques relevant to data science.
  • To promote a professional approach to the design, implementation and testing of software.

Teaching and learning methods

Students will attend a lecture each week followed by a problem class. They will be supported by a comprehensive range of online materials developed for the programme by Research Software team. These include videos, moodle pages, online exercises, code notebooks.


Each week students will complete a range of programming assignments under the supervision of a teaching assistant. After each topic there is an online quiz, which allows students to assess their understanding of the material.

There will be one formative programming assignment which students will submit and on which they will receive formal feedback. This will be designed to help prepare students for the final summative assessment.