
Improving patient outcomes and reducing societal burden of heart diseases via data-driven translational research.

Clinical Research Informatics Unit
UCLH/UCL CRIU works to develop a robust environment and infrastructure for clinical data analysis.

DISC Study
The DISC Study is looking at inequalities in the use of digital health interventions for cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Disease Atlas
Systematic knowledge discovery for all diseases - for clinicians and patients. Underpinned by the needs of patients, clinicians and researchers, the Disease Atlas is an ambitious project involving the generation of a systematic, data-driven knowledge across all common and rare diseases.

GSK-UCL Phenomics
Defining human diseases using rich phenotyping information from multiple sources can lead to a better understanding of the mechanisms of disease and lead to development of novel, more effective, therapeutic agents.

Health Data Research UK
Bringing together institutes, partnerships, data and expertise to make large scale improvements to people's lives.

Healthcare Informatics, Genomics/Omics, Data Science (HIGODS) studies and delivers patient-centred analytics.

HOME App Study
The HOME App Study aims to examine the health and wellbeing of migrants in the UK and explore the socio-environmental determinants of their health and wellbeing.

Homeless Hospital Discharge
Homeless Hospital Discharge Schemes that has brought together data on over 100,000 homeless people from across England to understand their health outcomes after discharge from hospital.

Medical Information AI Data Extractor (MiADE) aims to improve EHR usability to capture better data in clinical care.

The National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles begins its fourth study on sexual health and well-being in Britain, led by UCL with researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, the University of Glasgow and NatCen Social Research.

Right to Care
Improving national access to primary care through GP registration and service interventions for inclusion health groups.

STIMULATE-ICP conducts the largest trial for Long Covid to date, aiming to improve diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation.

UCL-THIN Long Covid Study
Using GP patient records to improve our understanding of Long Covid for earlier diagnoses and better care.

Virus Watch
Understanding community incidence, symptom profiles, and transmission of COVID-19 in relation to population movement and behaviour.

A national study which explores COVID-19 infections in care homes, led by IHI's Professor Laura Shallcross, MBE.