CALIBER Investigator Meeting, January 2022
27 January 2022
Sharing learning with a view to moving the CALIBER platform into 2022

CALIBER currently supports more than 45 research projects using linked Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) electronic health record data under the UCL-CPRD multistudy licence for research.
On 20th January 2022, thirty CALIBER investigators based at UCL attended an enjoyable half-day workshop run by the CALIBER Data Lab team at the UCL Institute of Health Informatics. CALIBER investigators presented their research in areas including COVID-19, maternal and child health, cancer, public health and research methods. Presentations were followed by talks by the Data Lab on working with CPRD linked data, the CALIBER Data Platform and Portal, and data linkages.
To prepare for new projects in 2022 and beyond, attendees took part in a group discussion on challenges accessing data, plans for submitting new projects in the coming year including datasets of interest, and interest in proposals for extending key fob access to research groups making ‘heavy use’ of the multistudy licence. Attendees also heard about recent CPRD and CALIBER updates including investigator responsibilities in relation to access to data and acknowledging CALIBER and the linked data sources which can be viewed here.
For more information about CALIBER, contact Natalie Fitzpatrick, CALIBER Data Science Facilitator ( .
- Email Natalie Fitzpatrick
- Go to CALIBER website for publications or Privacy statement
- Check the CPRD website
Photo by Scott Graham on Unsplash