
UCL Institute of Health Informatics


Health Data Research UK London Chief Operating Officer - Ref:1732828

New exciting opportunity within HDR UK London




Grade 10, Full Time

Salary: competitive salary

Closing Date: 30 Aug 2018 (Latest time for the submission of applications: h.23:59)

Duties and Responsibilities

Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) is the new national institute for data science for health, which is being established in 2018 with long-term funding support from research councils, UKRI, charitable and governmental research funders. The mission of HDR UK is drive improvements in the health of patients and populations through research at regional and national scale which spans discovery of disease mechanisms, through precision medicine and trials to public health.  To deliver this mission, the 5 major London universities - UCL (coordinating), Imperial College London, King’s College London, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, and Queen Mary University of London - came together as a pan London Site. The terms of this partnership are set out in the Site Agreement.

The London Site is the largest of the six UK Sites, which include Cambridge including the Sanger and European Bioinformatics Institute, Oxford, the Midlands, Scotland and Wales/Northern Ireland). This is the first time that these universities across London have partnered in a major long term biomedical research initiative, and this partnership is already positively influencing decisions about further funding. Beyond the initial grant award there are already multiple, mulit-million pound funding initiatives involving HDR UK London. 

The Chief Operating Officer (COO) in HDR UK London will be accountable for the operational delivery of all aspects of the Site Agreement including delivering outstanding partnership science, capacity development and stakeholder engagement in order to advance London’s profile on the national and global stage. In order to do report outstanding performance at Annual and Quinquennial Reviews, the appointee will need to establish appropriate mechanisms for working with and across the 5 partner London universities in relation to organisation, governance, finance, HR, project management and communication.

Key Requirements

Candidates will have proven leadership experience with successful delivery of full life cycle projects across a complex and challenging stakeholder environment to direct engagement activities. They will have a proven track record of successful complex budget management, a proven development of successful partnership in health and biomedicine across university, NHS and industrial sectors, and a proven experience of strategy and policy development.

Demonstrable experience of working with, and influencing, senior stakeholders in particular within the academic community – heads of department, faculty managers, deans and vice provosts are essential. They must also demonstrate the ability to act as a public speaker with extensive experience of presenting to, and managing, challenging audiences, have experience of successfully delivering strategic projects on time and within budget as well as experience of successful line management and development of staff with proven team leadership and motivational skills.

Further Details

File Job description and person specification 

To apply visit the dedicated page on the UCL Job Search Engine

If you wish to discuss the post informally, please contact Professor Harry Hemingway, email: h.hemingway@ucl.ac.uk.

We particularly welcome female applicants and those from an ethnic minority, as they are under-represented within UCL at this level. We will consider applications to work on a part-time, flexible and job share basis wherever possible. Our department holds an Athena SWAN Bronze award, in recognition of our commitment to advancing gender equality. This appointment is subject to UCL Terms and Conditions of Service for Research and Support Staff. 

Please use these links to find out more about the UCL Terms and Conditions related to this job, employee benefits that we offer and further information about UCL.