MSc Global Healthcare Management with routes
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A bold purpose
We believe that accomplished healthcare managers with specialist skills form the foundation of healthcare delivery. Our Global Healthcare Management MSc programme instils in students an in depth knowledge about the theories, principles and practices of healthcare management as a discipline within the global context. With opportunities to specialise in sought after fields, this is a degree that creates ambitious, well rounded and highly employable global healthcare management experts.
Global Healthcare Management MSc highlights
Delivered by the UCL Global Business School for Health (UCL GBSH) – the world’s first business school dedicated to health – our Global Healthcare Management MSc programme is an opportunity to become a knowledgeable specialist in global healthcare management. Just some of the highlights of the degree include an enhanced induction programme enabling you to focus on your career aspirations while forming lifelong networks with your peers, hands-on projects to develop ideas for healthcare improvements, and an energising action learning environment, where blended content delivery will develop your skills and transform your future career. You’ll also benefit from the prestige of attending a world top 10 university with globally renowned health credentials, while making the most of our elite custom built facilities at UCL East, where UCL’s heritage, disruptive spirit and ambitions for public good converge. Anchored by the inimitable experience of London – a global city that is a leader in health and business – our Global Healthcare Management MSc programme provides an opportunity to innovate and develop skills that meet the current needs in healthcare.
Your future career
Your career is central to the Global Healthcare Management MSc experience at UCL GBSH. You’ll discuss it with programme leaders and industry experts in the immersive induction, and revisit it during workshops and specialist sessions throughout the degree. As you gain exceptional exposure to experts throughout the programme, while building rapport with your peers through projects and teamwork, you’ll graduate with a strong network of healthcare management professionals.
Make a difference
Strategic leadership and management in healthcare has never been a more pressing need. With many healthcare systems across the world already struggling before the Covid-19 pandemic, it is apparent that now is the time to proffer systems thinking and push forward universal best practices. Graduates of this programme can expect to be sought after assets to future employers, while making a tangible difference to healthcare delivery in any healthcare setting.
Who it’s for:
Our Global Healthcare Management MSc programme is ideal for individuals who strive to become excellent managers and changemakers within healthcare settings. You may be a new or recent graduate in a health, science or business field, or you may have some relevant work experience in healthcare that you want to build on to take your career to the next level.
What’s involved:
- A week-long induction prior to the MSc start date is a team building opportunity, also enabling you to look in depth at your personal and professional development, helping you get the most out of the programme.
- You’ll start this Master’s degree by gaining an advanced understanding of business and management for healthcare.
- After getting to grips with the foundations of healthcare management, you’ll go on to explore the practical application of business and management tools in the health landscape.
- Depending on the specialism you have selected – analytics, finance or leadership – you will also participate in modules related to these specific topics throughout the degree.
- Bringing together the principles you learn and working with individuals on different specialist routes, a group business project is the ideal moment to put everything together in a real world example. As a team you’ll develop an idea for a healthcare improvement from concept right through to a business case report and presentation.
- You will also work on an individual research project, where you will critically examine an aspect or question related to your selected specialism.
- Your base for this Master’s degree is at our custom built facility at UCL East, a modern environment which brings together the best of UCL’s progressive history, positive impact and disruptive spirit.
As a graduate of the Global Healthcare Management MSc, you’ll come away with:
- A wide ranging understanding of healthcare management as a discipline together with the contemporary topics driving transformational global healthcare.
- The opportunity to gain skills in specialist areas (analytics, finance or leadership) where there is a current knowledge deficit, according to our research with health sector employers.
- Significant research and analytical skills that support data driven approaches to managing healthcare.
- Written and verbal communication skills appropriate for managers and leaders in healthcare settings.
- The expertise to assess value for patients, organisations and society in relation to healthcare.
- The ability to effectively manage and lead a diverse workforce.
- The proficiency to capitalise on entrepreneurial opportunities, either independently or within organisations.
- Experience in teamwork and collaboration to help with problem solving and making teams effective at delivering equality, diversity and inclusion.
- A mindset embracing innovation, nurtured by the experiential learning and real world examples used in teaching at UCL GBSH.
- Resilience and know-how in relation to self-management, work-life balance and mental health, supported by continuous professional development throughout the programme.