
Global Business School for Health


Exploring Life at UCL East: A Vibrant Campus Experience

21 March 2024

Our Social Media Ambassador, Andria Savva, has written this blog post which delves into the enriching student life at UCL East, highlighting its modern facilities, cultural vibrancy, and commitment to sustainability. Explore the multifaceted experiences for students at UCL East.

ucl east campus life andria

UCL GBSH East London campus, built next to Queen Elizabeth’s Olympic Park, is a prime example of UCL’s efforts to enhance East Bank culture and further complement London’s major cultural and education centres. These sustainable and modern facilities offer students a place to learn, study, explore, and relax during their time as UCL East and GBSH students. Other than the buildings' modern architecture and style, you can often see exhibitions of art or science placed around campus, where UCL students showcase their work in a sophisticated way around UCL East buildings.

Generally, life on the UCL East campus could be as simple as attending a lecture, studying at the library, and going home, or as exciting as studying in aesthetically pleasing spots in Marshgate, going out for dinner with friends, dessert, or shopping in Westfield Stratford. While being on campus, you have the opportunity to explore UCL East culture by taking a walk around the Olympic Park and enjoying a calm day out. Obviously, it's not every day that you go to campus to have fun, but the UCL GBSH campus is highly equipped and perfect for a long day of studying. You can take lunch breaks at the level 2 refectory or grab a quick coffee from the coffee shops on campus.

UCL GBSH did a very good job welcoming its international and home MSc or MBA students by organising a fun and informative induction week for everyone to attend. These events provide opportunities for students to meet people from their courses, engage in casual conversations over drinks with lecturers and guest speakers, and take a tour around UCL East and the UCL East Campus. This induction week sets the scene for many students as it highlights the culture that UCL GBSH wants to explore in this new campus, exploiting a refreshed, professional, and fair environment from the very beginning.

Other than induction week and campus amenities, UCL makes sure that students studying there are well-prepared for the real world once they graduate. Guest speakers are a common phenomenon in most courses at UCL GBSH, where students get a chance to learn and interact with experts in their dedicated field of study during and after lectures, while also organising career fairs. Such career fairs include lectures and presentations from skilled professionals with rich educational and professional backgrounds, explaining how the industry works and what students will have to face after graduation. Other than lectures, students get a chance to mingle, dine, drink, and discuss matters that excite them with UCL faculty members as well as skilled and experienced guests invited to the event. While a lot of universities have career events, UCL East stands out since students are recognised and desired by recruiters and industry experts just for being part of UCL GBSH.

As important as it is for students to stay connected and look out for future opportunities, UCL East ensures that students are also able to have fun and enjoy themselves on campus in organised events such as architectural and art exhibitions, runs around UCL East, talks, balls, and game days. Such events organised by UCL GBSH and/or the UCL Student Union ensure that students can enjoy themselves on campus while building a more friendly and relaxed atmosphere than your usual university campus might have.

Lastly, UCL East and UCL GBSH are leaders in sustainability and providing the right image to students living there, with reusable rainwater in toilets, water fountains all around the buildings, and zero-food waste sections. Such efforts made by UCL emphasise how important it is to embrace and protect the world around us, passing the right message to all current and future students.

Overall, UCL managed to create a warm and friendly atmosphere on their UCL East campus, filled with fun, engagement, and countless professional and educational opportunities for everyone.