UCL hosts UK and French diplomats as part of an FCDO-led joint training exercise
26 May 2023
UCL experts shared insights on topical issues from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to the impact of new technologies on geopolitics with new diplomats from France and the UK.
On 24 May 2023, a cohort of new French and British diplomats visited UCL to take part in a training session convened by UCL European Institute and supported by UCL Global Engagement and UCL Public Policy.
The session showcased the depth and diversity of region-specific and cross-cutting expertise at UCL, across faculties. A first panel, featuring Prof. Kristin Bakke, Dr Ben Noble, Dr Inken von Borzyskowski, and Dr Julie Norman explored topics relating to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, from the challenges of war-time polling to Russian domestic politics and the response of international organisations. A second panel, featuring Dr Melanie Garson, Rear Admiral Neil Morisetti, Dr Jean-Christophe Mauduit, and Dr Aparna Ravi highlighted a range of wider global challenges likely to shape geopolitics and the practice of diplomacy in the 21st century, from new technologies to climate change. The following day, Dr Melanie Garson also delivered a session on how new technologies will change the face of diplomacy and geopolitics in plenary at the Durbar Court in King Charles Street.
A warm thank you to all of those who took part.
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