


Re-usable Items and Furniture

To reduce items being disposed of, UCL encourages the re-use of any unwanted items through our waste action re-use portal, known as Warp-it.

What is Warp-it?

Warp-it is an easy-to-use online network for UCL staff to redistribute unwanted surplus resources legally and conveniently, both within the organisation, and with other organisations locally and nationally.

Items must be for university, not personal use and could include furniture, stationery, electrical items, or educational resources, but anything with some value can be listed. 
1 chair or 10 desks - whatever you have, Warp-it will help find it a new home!

YouTube Widget Placeholderhttps://youtu.be/w3RydyfcdPU

Benefits of Warp-it

  • Saves money
  • Diverts waste from landfill
  • Frees space
  • Brings unused into use
  • Avoids carbon emissions

Visit Warp-it