
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Education Research Group Seminar 21.09.17

Title: Thinking about teaching.  The UCL Peer Dialogue Scheme

: Joe Rosenthal & Surinder Singh

Abstract: The UCL Peer Dialogue scheme aims to inspire all staff to develop their teaching and their students' learning.  It encourages us to focus, with one or two colleagues, on any chosen  aspect of teaching  eg small group facilitation, assessment, teaching resources, assessment etc.  As a department we need to record evidence that  teaching staff are undertaking peer dialogue once a year for the ASER (Annual Student Experience Review).

See: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/srs/academic-manual/c6/pot

This seminar aims to explain the Peer Dialogue Scheme, and allow small groups to plan or possibly even complete your peer dialogue exercise for the current academic year.

Peer Dialogue seminar slides

Peer Observation checklist