
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


E-Health Seminar 22.06.17

Title: Development of a model of service delivery to standardise anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation in the NHS and testing the feasibility of an E-Health intervention to support delivery of this model.

: Emma Dunphy. Physiotherapist. PhD Student

: This seminar presentation will include a background of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury, its' epidemiology and the current pathways that patients experience in the NHS. I will discuss key evidence that has informed practice in this field over the last 10 years and highlight the challenges that are presented to service providers with this patient group. I will also introduce TRAK, a website that has been developed as a patient and physiotherapist tool for the management of knee conditions. I will outline the research question and discuss each work package in this context.  The key work packages will be i/ the systematic review of current physiotherapy practice, especially, how much physiotherapy consultation time does it take to deliver a multimodal ACL rehabilitation programme? ii/ A qualitative study to explore the opinions of experts and key stakeholders on a model of standardised service delivery for ACL rehabilitation and the role of eHealth to support this? Lastly, a feasibility study to establish if we can recruit and retain ACL patients, engage them to use TRAK and collect outcomes and demographic data that might inform the feasibility of a future RCT".

Speaker: Paula Alves

EMA project

Internet is currently considered to be a good source to seek information about health. However, little is known about which information sources are available for women to gather information about risks of combined hormonal contraceptives (CHC). The goal of this study was to explore websites focusing on CHC, including its risks. An internet search was across six different EU countries (Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain and the UK), using the Google search engine, using a systematic search procedure. We found 357 websites across the six countries. The majority were provided by non-governmental medical association/services and the media and provided its visitors the opportunity to engage in discussions or ask questions. The majority of websites included general information about CHC (e.g. how to take them, how do CHC work, what to do when one pill is missed) and the risks of CHC, including venous thromboembolism. Nearly one fourth of the websites guided women on which CHC they should use. This study is part of a larger project which aims to explore how women and health professionals communicate about the risks of using CHC, the process by which women decide to use CHC and which information sources do they explore to support their decision.