Materials, information and guidance to help you use the ONS Longitudinal Study
- The census forms used to collect LS data
- Summary of census questions, 1971 - 2011 (PDF)
- Derived variables list (PDF): information on the syntax files that are available for LS researchers to use
- Thematic guides to using ONS LS data - information on the variables available in the LS
- Webinar on Applying to use the ONS Longitudinal Study: A guide to completing the forms (2024)
- Webinar on Getting your ONS LS outputs cleared: A guide to completing the form (2024)
- Lists of the issues of the LS Series, LS User Guides and LS Working Papers - guides to the ONS LS produced between 1982 and 2015
Partner organisations:
- ONS Longitudinal Study web page of the Office for National Statistics
- NILS-RSU (Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study Research Support Unit)
- SLS-DSU (Scottish Longitudinal Study Development and Support Unit)
- CALLS-Hub (Census & Administrative data LongitudinaL Studies Hub)
- CLOSER (Cohort & Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources)