Please check availability of the LS working papers listed below with us.
1 D. Dawkins (1982) Migration and Health of the Elderly
2 D. Leon (1983) Housing tenure: an example of using record linkage to study differentials in cancer incidence, survival and mortality
3 E. Hoinville (1983) A review of the literature on migration in England and Wales
4 A.J. Fox (1984) Social mobility around the time one has children. Now published in LS Series No 2 (PDF)
5 D. Leon and A. Adelstein (1983) Cause of death amongst people registered with cancer in 1971-75
6 D.R. Jones, P.O. Goldblatt and D.A. Leon (1984) Bereavement and cancer: some results using data from the LS. Now published in British Medical Journal, 289 (6443) (25 August 1984), pp 61-464
7 A.J. Fox, D.R. Jones and D. Leon (1983) From official health statistics to interactive epidemiology data
8 D.R. Jones (1984) LS mortality 1971-81 in regional heart study areas. Some preliminary notes on the relationship with region and water hardness
9 P.O. Goldblatt and D.R. Jones (1984) Water nitrates and stomach cancer: some mortality results from the OPCS Longitudinal Study
10 A. Brown, A.J. Fox (1984) OPCS Longitudinal Study - 10 Years on. Now published in Population Trends, 37, pp 20-22
11 A.J. Fox and E.M.D. Grundy Preliminary outline of projects to be covered by "10 years on"
13 E.M.D. Grundy and A.J. Fox (1984) Migration during early married life. Now in Journal of European Association for Population Studies, 1984, 1, pp 237-263
14 K.A. Moser and P. Goldblatt (1984) Mortality of women in private and non-private households using data from the OPCS Longitudinal Study
15 H.S. Pugh (1984) Estimating the extent of homeworking
16 A.J. Fox and P.O. Goldblatt (1984) Social class mortality differentials: artefact selection or life circumstances? Now published in Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 1985, 39, pp 1-8
17 D.R. Jones and P.O. Goldblatt (1984) Cause of death in widow(er)s and spouses. Now published in Journal of Biosocial Science, 1987, 19: 1, pp 107-121
18 K.A. Moser, A.J. Fox, D R Jones and PO Goldblatt (1984) Unemployment and mortality in the OPCS Longitudinal Study. Now published in The Lancet, No. 8415 (December 8th 1984), pp 1324-1329
19 E. Grundy, (1984) Divorce, widowhood, remarriage and geographic mobility. Now published in Journal of Biosocial Science, 1985, 17, pp 415-435
20 D.R. Jones (1984) Some notes on the effects of level of aggregation on analysis of mortality in the OPCS LS by area
21 A.J. Fox, D.R. Jones (1984) 1971-81 Male socio-demographic mortality differentials from the OPCS Longitudinal Study. Shortened version published in Population Trends (K.A. Moser 1985, 40, pp 10-16). Full version published in P.O. Goldblatt, Proceedings of the American Statistical Association Meeting, August 13-16, 1984
22 D.R. Jones, P.O. Goldblatt (1984) Mortality following widowhood: some further results from the OPCS Longitudinal Study. Now published in Stress Medicine, 1986, 2, pp 129-140
23 D.R. Jones (1984) Mortality 1971-81 and migration in England and Wales in 1966-71: some data from the OPCS Longitudinal Study
24 D.R. Jones (1985) Introductory notes on regression models in the analysis of mortality data in the OPCS LS
25 A.J. Fox and P.O. Goldblatt (1985) Change in death rates with length of follow-up
26 K.A. Moser and P.O. Goldblatt (1985) Mortality of women in the OPCS Longitudinal Study: differentials by own occupation and household and housing characteristics
27 D.R. Jones (1985) An investigation of alternative methods of calculating person-years-at-risk in the OPCS LS
28 E.M.D. Grundy (1985) Migration and fertility behaviour in England and Wales. Now published as "Divorce, widowhood, remarriage and geographical mobility among women", In Journal of Biosocial Science, October 1986, 17: 4, pp 415-435
29 A.J. Fox, E.M.D. Grundy (1985) A longitudinal perspective on recent socio-demographic change. Now published in the Proceedings of British Society for Population Studies conference on "Measuring Socio-Demographic Change", Occasional Paper 34, OPCS
30 K.A. Moser, A.J. Fox and D.R. Jones (1985) Unemployment and mortality: further evidence from the OPCS Longitudinal Study. A shortened version published in The Lancet, No. 8477 (February 15th 1986), pp 365-367
By the same authors:
"Stress and heart disease: evidence of association between unemployment and heart disease from the OPCS Longitudinal Study", The Postgraduate Medical Journal, 1986, 62: pp 797-799
Proceedings of The Coronary Prevention Group Conference on 18-19 November 1985, "Does Stress Cause Heart Attacks?": 123-130
31 D.A. Leon (1985) Socio-economic differentials in cancer. A review paper written for the International Agency for Research in Cancer
32 D.A. Leon and R. Wilkinson (1988) Socio-economic differences in cancer and heart disease. Now in Health Inequalities in European Countries, Proceedings of ESF/ESRC Workshops. Gower Press 1988, ed. A.J. Fox
33 A.J. Fox and D.A. Leon (1985) Mortality and deprivation: evidence from the OPCS Longitudinal Study. Edited proceedings of the Eugenics Society Symposium The Political Economy of Health and Welfare. (Ed. W.M. Keynes)
34 E.M.D. Grundy (1986) Retirement migration and its consequences in England and Wales. Published in Ageing and Society, 1987: 7: 1, pp 59-82
35 B. Scott (1985) Some preliminary notes on status incongruity and mortality
36 D.R. Jones (1985) Heart disease mortality following bereavement. Now published in Does Stress Cause Heart Attacks? Proceedings of Conference of The Coronary Prevention Group 18-19 November 1985, pp s-102
Also see, D. R Jones (1985) Heart disease mortality following widowhood: some results from the OPCS Longitudinal Study. Now in Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 1987, 31: 3, pp 325-333
37 C. Hamnett, W. Randolph, C. Evans (1985) Racial minorities in the London labour and housing markets: a longitudinal analysis 1971-81. Now published as "Racial minorities and industrial change" in: Migration, Employment and the New Urban Order. Ed. M. Cross. Cambridge University Press, Comparative Ethnic and Race Relations Serie
38 A. J. Fox (1986) Preliminary notes on changes in male economic activity patterns, 1971-81
39 A. J. Fox (1986) Socio-demographic mortality differentials: new longitudinal perspectives. Paper written for Symposium "The Social Aetiology of Ill-Health" at French Ministry of Research and Technology, Paris, March 20, 1986. Now published in Revue d'epidemiologie et de sante publique, 35, 20-27, 1987
41 J. Webster (1986) Using the OPCS Longitudinal Study to classify ethnic origin
42 P. O. Goldblatt (1986) Social class mortality differentials of men aged 15-64 in 1981: a note on first results from the OPCS Longitudinal Study for the period 1981-83. (Updated version in Population Trends no 51)
43 K. A Moser, P O Goldblatt, A.J. Fox and D. R Jones (1986) Unemployment and mortality, 1981-83: follow up of the 1981 LS Census sample. A shortened version published in the British Medical Journal, 294 (6564) (10 January 1987), pp 86-90
44 C. Hamnett and W. Randolph (1986) Labour market restructuring in Greater London 1971-81: evidence from the OPCS Longitudinal Study
45 C. Hamnett and W. Randolph (1986) Socio-tenurial polarisation in London: a longitudinal analysis, 1971-81. Shortened version published as "Labour and housing market change in London: a longitudinal analysis 1971-1981", Urban Studies, Vol. 25:5, pp 380-398
46 H. Roberts and R. Barker (1986) The social classification of women. Now reprinted as an LS User Guide
47 A. J. Fox and P O Goldblatt (1986) Have inequalities in health widened?: Mortality differences in the 1970s and early 1980s
48 M. C. Shewry (1987) Modelling socio-economic change: an application of generalised linear models to changes in the circumstances of individuals between 1971 and 1981
49 A. J. Fox (1987) Longitudinal insights into the ageing population. Subsequently published in D. Evered and J.Whelan (Eds). Research and the Ageing Population, CIBA Foundation Symposium, John Wiley & Sons, London
50 A. J. Fox and M C Shewry (1987) New longitudinal insights into relationships between unemployment and mortality. Subsequently published in Stress Medicine, Vol 4: no 1, January-March 1988 pp 11-19
51 H. Roberts and R. Barker (1987) A social classification scheme for women
52 H. Roberts and R. Barker (1987) What are people doing when they grade women's work? Subsequently published in British Journal of Sociology, Vol 40, No. 1, (March 1989), pp 130-146
53 P. Goldblatt (1987) Mortality differences at working ages: the use of generalised linear models to compare measures
54 K. Moser, H Pugh and P Goldblatt (1987) Inequalities in women's health: developing an alternative approach. A shorter version published in British Medical Journal, Vol. 296 no. 6631 (30 April 1988), pp 1221-1224
55 S. Haberman and D Bloomfield (1987) Social class differences in mortality in Great Britain around 1981. Subsequently published in Journal of Institute of British Actuaries, Vol. 115, pp 495-517
56 M. Kogevinas, M.G. Marmot and J Fox (1988) Socio-economic status and cancer: results from the OPCS Longitudinal Study
57 K. Moser, H Pugh and P Goldblatt (1988) Inequalities in women's health in England and Wales: mortality among married women according to social circumstances, employment characteristics and life cycle stage. Subsequently published in Genus, Vol XLVI, pp 71-84, 1990
58 P. Goldblatt, A.J. Fox and D. Leon (1988) Mortality of employed men and women. Subsequently published in American Journal of Industrial Medicine, Vol 20, Part 3, pp 285-306, 1991
59 P. Goldblatt and A. J. Fox (1988) Mortality of men by occupation
60 B. Penhale (1989) Associations between unemployment and fertility among young women in the early 1980s
61 A. Stuart (1989) The social and geographical mobility of South Asians and Caribbeans in middle age and later working life
62 H. Pugh, C. Power, P Goldblatt and S. Arber (1989) Smoking, class and lung cancer mortality among women. Subsequently published in Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 32, No. 10, pp 1105-1110
63 M. Kogevinas, P. Goldblatt and H. Pugh (1989) Socio-economic status and breast cancer in England and Wales: time trends in incidence, survival and mortality
64 B. Penhale (1989) The Longitudinal Study: households, families and fertility. Now available as LS User Guide No. 1
65 A. Mercer, P. Goldblatt and H. Pugh (1989) Family and demographic circumstances and mortality among married women of working ages
66 K. Moser and P. Goldblatt (1990) Occupational Mortality of women aged 15-59 at death in England and Wales
67 R. Wall (1990) English and French households in historical perspective. Also in INSEE (Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques) no 8, Paris: February 1991
68 B. Penhale (1990) Living arrangements of young adults in France and England
69 R. Wall (1990) Residence patterns of the elderly in England and France. (Also in INSEE, as no 67 above)
70 M. Ni Bhrolchain (1990) Age difference asymmetry and a two-sex perspective
71 C. Ward, A. Dale (1991) Geographical variations in female labour force participation: an application of multilevel modelling
72 M. Williams and A. Dale (1992) Measuring housing deprivation using the OPCS Longitudinal Study
73 A. Harrop and H. Joshi (1994) Death and the Saleswomen: an investigation of mortality and occupational immobility of women in the Longitudinal Study of England and Wales
74 D. A. Leon and S. Macran (1995) Patterns and determinants of birth weight in consecutive live births: results from the OPCS Longitudinal Study 1980-88
75 D. A. Leon and S. Macran (1995) Infant mortality and maternal circumstances in childhood: the OPCS Longitudinal Study of England and Wales, 1971-87
76 J. Craig (1996) The Consistency of statements of age in censuses and at death registration
77 S. Gleave, M. Bartley and R.D. Wiggins (1998) Limiting long term illness: A question of where you live or who you are? A multi-level analysis of the 1971-1991 ONS Longitudinal Study
78 M. Rosato (1999) Teenage fertility in England and Wales: trends in socio-economic circumstances between the 1971 and 1981 Censuses
79 S. Gleave, R.D. Wiggins, H. Joshi and K. Lynch (2000) Identifying area effects: a comparison of single and multi-level models