
Eastman Dental Institute


Student testimonies

We have taught thousands of students over the last seventy years many of whom have gone on to be international specialists and leaders in their field.

Group of postgraduates

Below you will find testimonies from some of our recent taught and research postgraduates. You can also visit our Alumni section for stories by former students.

Dr Farnaz Motamedi

Studying on our Orthodontics MClinDent

Dr Umair Mohammed

Studying Sports Dentistry (distance-learning)

Helen Kirkwood and Isobell Linanne

Studying Dental Hygiene (distance-learning)

Dr Laura Bettini

Studying Periodontology (distance-learning)

Dr Kevin Henry

Studied Oral Surgery

Dr Nima Amin

Studying on our Orthodontics MClinDent

Dr Yanel Bouille

Studied Conservative Dentistry

Dr Lama Dakkouri

Studied Special Care Dentistry

Dr Elan Bateman

Studied Orthodontics 

Dr Asim Mahmood

Studied Restorative Dentistry

Dr Elavarasi Kuppusamy

Studied Paediatric Dentistry

Dr Mohammad Aldashti

Studied Prosthodontics

Dr Leticia Sarubbi

Studied Special Care Dentistry 

Dr Richard Horwitz

Studied Periodontology 

Dr Kunal Patel

Studied Endodontics 

Dr Pok Lam Fung (PhD)

Studied Oral Medicine and awarded a PhD in Oral Medicine

Dr Nick Lygidakis

Studied Paediatric Dentistry

Research student stories

Tomoko Kumagai

PhD candidate and recipient of an MRC Clinical Research Training Fellowship

Abdullah Alsoghier

PhD candidate in Oral Medicine

Nur Asyura Binti Nor Amdan

Researching biofilms and molecular microbiology in the Microbial Diseases Department

Piyaphong Panpisut, Nasser Alqhtani, Tarek Ahmed

Phd candidates working in the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering

Enas Newire

Investigating Antimicrobial Resistance in the Microbial Diseases Department

Julie Gallagher

PhD Candidate within the Centre for Oral Health and Performance

Dallas Roulston

PhD candidate in the Microbial Diseases Department