
Eastman Dental Institute


Dr Farnaz Motamedi

Studying on our Orthodontics MClinDent

Farnaz Motamedi Orthodontics postgraduate

UCL Eastman Dental Institute is world renowned as being a highly prestigious place to undertake post-graduate dental training both in the UK and worldwide. 

I chose to study here based on its reputation of academic excellence and recommendations from colleagues. I was delighted to have the opportunity to train and study at the Eastman, UCL. 

The MClinDent programme is extremely well run and the staff are very knowledgeable, supportive and friendly. The academic teaching is excellent and compared to colleagues who have studied at other universities, I believe our knowledge is better!

I thoroughly enjoyed undertaking the Masters’ research project as part of the programme, this gave me the opportunity to develop my research skills and investigate an area that interested me. 

My research supervisors were extremely supportive and helped guide me through, I honestly would not have done so well without them! I subsequently had the opportunity to publish my research in the British Dental Journal, which I was really proud of.  

My colleagues have made my time here very memorable and the location is brilliant for exploring central London.

Thanks to the excellent academic and clinical staff, I felt very well supported and prepared for the succeeding in the external Royal College of Surgeons examinations. 

I am currently working in the Orthodontic department at the Royal National ENT and Eastman Dental Hospitals, UCLH. 

In the future I am interested in completing further hospital training, to experience treating more complex multi-disciplinary patients such as orthognathic and cranio-facial patients. 

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