
Eastman Dental Institute


Other CPD courses

We are committed to providing an extensive range of short courses across a broad range of subjects. Below you can find current courses which fall outside our main clinical topics but which still challenge, excite and enhance your skills and dental practice. 

Book now

Sports Dentistry: the evolving role of the sports dentist
This two-day, face-to-face course will introduce you to the concept of sports dentistry and explore the evolving role of the sports dentist. Book for January 2025

Digital Dental Photography (online course)
In this three-hour online CPD course, Dr Robert Stone will provide you with the knowledge and practical advice required to take consistently good, clear, dental photographs for documenting your cases. 

Oral Cancer: An Update for General Dental Practice (online course)
Rates of oral cancer are increasing and it's presenting in people beyond those traditionally considered at-risk. This one-hour online course, presented by Professor Stephen Porter, will help you understand aspects of oral cancer and related disease relevant to the primary oral healthcare setting.

Laser Dentistry: An Introduction (online course)
This five-hour online CPD course is designed for clinical dental professionals who want to gain sound knowledge of laser-tissue interaction. The course aims to provide evidence-based core knowledge in laser use in dentistry in order to benefit your patients’ experiences and outcomes. After completing this course, you will be eligible to attend the Fellowship in Laser Dentistry five-day face-to-face course in London.

Coming soon

Return to Dentistry: Common Restorative Procedures
This one-day CPD course will allow you to spend a full day practising and refreshing your skills in preparation for returning to work after a break. Register your interest

Fellowship in Laser Dentistry
This blended-learning course will provide sound knowledge and experience with laser-tissue interaction, enabling you to use laser therapy to benefit your patients’ experiences and outcomes. Register your interest

Sports Dentistry: Theoretical considerations and practical tips
This three-day, face-to-face course is designed for dental care professionals as well as general dentists. We will cover aspects of sporting dental trauma that can be seen within the sporting context and in the surgery. Prevention of trauma and tooth surface loss will be considered by discussing mouthguards, nutrition and diet. We will discuss what future developments are being made within the realm of Sports Dentistry. Register your interest

Hypnosis and Hypnotic Communication in Dentistry
A four-day course on using hypnotherapeutic techniques in dentistry. Learn ways to address issues faced by patients and practitioners regarding anxiety, phobic responses to treatment and fear concerning pain. Register your interest

Advanced Sedation Study Club
Professor Roelofse is joined by leading minds and practitioners at the Study Club, which offers attendees a unique insight into cutting edge knowledge and discussion in the field of Sedation. Register your interest.

Managing Temporomandibular Disorders (TMD) in General Dentistry
This one-day hands-on course will introduce you to the symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) and both surgical and non-surgical treatment options for patients.Register your interest.