The CMMP Group is committed to providing an inclusive, safe and respectful work environment, and to actively supporting all its group members. This page summarises the resources available to staff, postdocs and students, and the different policies in place regarding harassment and bullying.
Creating a positive and inclusive work environment is a responsibility shared by all, and therefore all group members should educate themselves. Please do not ask or expect the survivors of harassment to do it for you. There is a large body of professional literature on harassment in the workplace, with this review recommended as a possible starting point.
- The Department of Physics has endorsed the UCLU zero tolerance pledge for sexual harassment, making it official departmental policy.
- The UCL Dignity at Work statement applies to all staff members (including postdocs) and covers all aspects of bullying, intimidation, harassment and victimisation.
- The equivalent code for students is the Policy on Harassment and Bullying.
Reaching out:
There are many routes to reporting any form of bullying or harassment. Group members can choose whichever route they feel most comfortable with.
- All staff members, including postdocs, have a responsibility under the Dignity at Work guidelines to challenge unacceptable behaviours (whether on or off UCL premises) and support the targets of such behaviour. If you are targeted, you can approach any staff member that you feel comfortable talking to.
- Students can approach Ruth Siddall who is UCL's student mediator and independent of any department. Everything that you tell Ruth is in strict confidence and she will not take any further action unless you ask her to.
- Students can seek advice from the Student Union for advice and support.
- Staff members can seek advice from one of the Dignity at Work Advisors.
- Anyone can make a formal complaint directly to the Head of Department, Prof Raman Prinja, to the UCL Registrar (students) or to the UCL Director of Human Resources (staff)
- Anyone can arrange to talk to UCL's community police officer. The first point of contact for anyone wishing to arrange a meeting is Ruth Siddall.
Should anyone decide to place a formal complaint (we stress again that this will only happen at the explicit request of someone coming forward), procedures will take place as prescribed by UCL Human Resources if the complaint is made against a staff member (including postdocs), or by the Academic Manual (in the case of complaints against students).
Links to the UCL, Department and CMMP safety documents can be found at this link.