The facility provides nominal and accurate mass measurements using the equipment detailed below.
Ion generation: electrospray ionisation (ESI)
Mass range: m/z 50 to 3,000
Mass resolution: unit resolution
Mass accuracy: ±0.5 Da
Scan functions: Full scan (FS), Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM).
Simultaneous polarity switching: possible
Intact Protein Analysis: unit resolution of Ubiquitin (8 kDa)
Sample introduction through: UPLC Liquid Chromatograph with an autosampler and degasser.
MassLynx software for method setup, data processing, and reporting
- Thermo Vanquish LC connected to Q Exactive Plus Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer
- Ion generation: heated electrospray ionisation (HESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI), atmospheric solids analysis probe (ASAP)
- Mass range: m/z 50 to 6,000
- Mass resolution: at m/z 200 is 35,000 and at m/z 400 is 25,000 at scan rate 7 Hz
- Mass accuracy: internal <1 ppm RMS, external <3 ppm RMS under defined conditions
- Dissociation: in-source CID, HCD
- Scan functions: Full scan (FS), all ion fragmentation (AIF), SIM, parallel reaction monitoring (PRM), data dependent acquisition (DIA), data dependent HCD (ddHCD)
- Simultaneous polarity switching: one full cycle in <1 sec (one full scan positive mode and one full scan negative mode at resolution setting of 35,000)during LC-MS run
- Intact Protein Analysis: unit resolution of Ubiquitin (8 kDa)
- Sample introduction through:- (a) direct infusion through a syringe connected to the pump or (b) Vanquisher Liquid Chromatograph with an autosampler and degasser.
- Xcalibur software for method setup, data processing, and reporting.
- Thermo Scientific FreeStyle software to view and analyse data
- Agilent 6530 Q-TOF LC-MS/MS system
- Ion generation: capillary ESI
- Mass range: m/z 50 to 20,000
- Mass resolution: m/z 100 to 3,200 in MS mode while maintaining a resolution of 13,000 at m/z 2,722
- Mass accuracy: lock mass calibration at set m/z ions of calibration mixture less than 2 ppm
- Dissociation: CID
- Scan functions: full scan (MS), MS/MS, data dependent acquisition
- Simultaneous polarity switching: during one LC-MS run not possible, either runs in negative or positive ESI mode
- Intact protein analysis: unit resolution of Ubiquitin (8 kDa)
- Sample introduction through: (a) direct infusion through a syringe connected to the pump or (b) Agilent 1200 Liquid Chromatograph with an autosampler and degasser.
- MassHunter Software for method setup, data processing, and reporting
- Thermo Scientific Trace 1310 Gas Chromatograph with TrisPlus RSH connected to an ISQ single quadrupole mass spectrometer
- Ion generation: Electron ionisation (EI), Chemical ionisation (CI) with ammonia or methane
- Mass range: m/z 50 to 1,000
- Mass resolution: one unit resolution
- Mass accuracy: ±0.5 Da
- Dissociation: EI fragmentation
- Scan functions: Full scan (FS), single ion monitoring (SIM)
- Simultaneous polarity switching: not possible
- Small molecules analysis: volatile, semi-volatile, PAH, steroids and etc.
- Incubation oven is available up to 200˚C
- Sample introduction through:- (a) liquid injections; (b) gases injection through a head-space vials, (c) solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) (d) direct injection of the sample into the GC inlet.
- Xcalibur software for method setup, data processing, and reporting
- Finnigan Accela LC connected to a LTQ Linear Ion Trap mass spectrometer
- Ion generation: electrospray ionisation (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI)
- Mass range: m/z 50 to 2,000
- Mass resolution: unit resolution
- Mass accuracy: ±0.5 Da
- Scan functions: Full scan (FS), Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM), MSn for multi-stage MS experiments, data dependent acquisition (DIA), ZoomScan for ultimate resolution.
- Simultaneous polarity switching: not possible
- Intact Protein Analysis: unit resolution of Ubiquitin (8 kDa)
- Sample introduction through:- (a) direct infusion through a syringe connected to the pump or (b) Accela Liquid Chromatograph with an autosampler.
- Xcalibur software for method setup, data processing, and reporting
- Shimadzu MALDI-8030 mass spectrometer
- Ion generation: matrix-assisted laser desorption (MALDI)
- Mass range: 1 to 350,000 Da and 10,000 to 500,00 Da
- Modes: Linear; positive and negative polarities
- Laser: 200 Hz solid-state laser, 355 nm
- Mass resolution: >5,000 FWHM (full width half-height maximum) on ACTH 18-29 (2,465 Da)
- Mass accuracy: <200 ppm with internal calibration, <150 ppm with external calibration (nearest neighbour external calibration on fleximass-SR48 steel target)
- Sensitivity: 250 fmol on bovine serum albumin, 250 amol on Glu-1-Fibrinopeptide B
- Sample introduction: by mixing matrix with sample and laying on the MALDI plate.
- Shimadzu software for method setup, data processing, and reporting
- Acquity UPLC with UV detector connected to Acquity SQD mass spectrometer
- Ion generation: electrospray ionisation (ESI), atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI)
- Mass range: m/z 50 to 2,000
- Mass resolution: unit resolution
- Mass accuracy: ±0.5 Da
- Scan functions: Full scan (FS), Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM).
- Simultaneous polarity switching: possible
- Intact Protein Analysis: unit resolution of Ubiquitin (8 kDa)
- Sample introduction through: (a) direct infusion through a syringe connected to the pump or (b) UPLC Liquid Chromatograph with an autosampler and degasser.
- MassLynx software for method setup, data processing, and reporting
- Waters LCT QTOF Premier mass spectrometer
- Ion generation: electrospray ionisation (ESI)
- Mass range: m/z 50 to 6,000
- Mass resolution: at m/z 200 is 15,000
- Mass accuracy: less than 5 ppm external calibration and less than 2 ppm lock-mass calibration
- Dissociation: not possible
- Scan functions: Full scan (FS).
- Simultaneous polarity switching: negative and positive modes
- Sample introduction through:- (a) direct infusion through a syringe connected to the pump or (b) an autosampler
- MassLynx software for method setup, data processing, and reporting
- Waters Acquity UPLC connected to TUV detector and SQD2
- Ion generation: electrospray ionisation (ESI)
- Mass range: m/z 50 to 3,000
- Mass resolution: unit resolution
- Mass accuracy: ±0.5 Da
- Scan functions: Full scan (FS), Selected Reaction Monitoring (SRM).
- Simultaneous polarity switching: possible
- Intact Protein Analysis: unit resolution of Ubiquitin (8 kDa)
- Sample introduction through: UPLC Liquid Chromatograph with an autosampler and degasser.
- MassLynx software for method setup, data processing, and reporting