An explanation of the different parts of the Career Frameworks
Career Frameworks aim to support your career whether you are based centrally or work in a Faculty, Department or Division. They provide clear and consistent information to help you to develop, and to plan your progress.
Depending on where you are in your career journey, the Frameworks could be used to inform conversations with your Line Manager by providing a foundation for discussions about your ongoing training and development needs, or preparation for the next stage in your career.
The Frameworks are organised in the following categories:
Job families
Each Career Framework encompasses different job families that cover a range of roles across UCL Professional Services.
A job family represents a group of jobs that operate at different levels, but have similar professional characteristics. Although the level of responsibility and experience will differ, the essential nature of activities carried out is consistent across the job family, and there is a reasonable expectation that people would progress within the job family between levels. It is worth noting that some general roles may be related to more than one job family.
The Career Framework uses five levels of seniority to describe career paths. These are displayed with associated indicative UCL grades for clarity. Not all job families will spread across all job levels, but a viable job family should contain three levels as a minimum.
The experiences section indicates the kind of activities and responsibilities that people are very likely to have experienced professionally when they are operating at this job level. This should provide job-level based information for each job family, rather than describe individual jobs.
The information is therefore not exhaustive, and is focused on general indicative experience rather than job-specific tasks. For details around specific jobs you will need to refer to individual job descriptions (look at the UCL Recruitment pages on the HR website for further details). Please note that similar experience may be present across several levels, differing in context and complexity.
Transferable skills and competencies
The Transferable Skills and Competency Framework supports a flexible professional approach to career planning through highlighting abilities, attributes and behaviours that underpin effective performance. They give a preliminary basis for identifying where transferable skills could be helpful to job mobility, and provide a starting point for understanding strengths. These skills can be developed and refined through working experience or learning interventions as part of Personal and Professional Development.
Developing personal and professional skills
Each Career Framework highlights three ways in which Professional Services staff can actively develop their personal and professional skills:
- On the job learning (learning by doing)
- Learning from others (through observing and interacting with other people or groups)
- Formal learning (classroom based)
New learning can be obtained through a range of Career Experiences, such as working on small projects within or outside of a team, or a combination of the different forms of learning indicated above. The Frameworks provide a number of suggestions for each job role on activities which may support personal and professional development at all levels.
UCL Ways of Working
The 'Ways of Working' describe how we work, the ways in which we do our jobs and relate to each other, our colleagues, students and stakeholders.
The Ways of Working are based on UCL’s values and culture, and are key to supporting our 2034 goals. These were identified in consultation with members of staff across UCL, and indicate ways of working that are likely to support a successful career at UCL at each level of the organisation.
1. Personal excellence
2. Working together
3. Achieving our mission