The Bentham Project is part of an exciting conference to explore how Handwritten Text Recognition can deal with historical documents of various languages, dates and layouts. The Transkribus User Conference will take place on 2-3 November at the Technical University Vienna.
Dr Louise Seaward has written a blog about her experience teaching Bentham's philosophy on the UCL Summer Challenge, a course which gives Year 12 students a taster of University teaching.
Podcasts of the 2017 Bentham seminars are now available to stream or download in iTunes. Professor Colin Tyler (University of Hull), Professor Malcolm Quinn (University of the Arts London) and Andrew Spooner (UCL) presented their research at the seminars.
Professor James E. Crimmins (Huron University College) has written a review of one of the latest volumes of the Collected Works on H-Net. Crimmins' reviews Writings on Political Economy, vol. 1, edited by Michael Quinn favourably, describing it as a 'tantalizing appetizer' for the following volumes in the series.
A new article in Update (the magazine for the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals) discusses the Bentham Project's role in the READ projectand explains how we have been experimenting with the Handwritten Text Recognition of Bentham's manuscripts.
A special issue of the History of European Ideashas just been published, which deals with Bentham's ideas on indirect legislation. This issue is edited by Michael Quinn of the Bentham Project and Malik Bozzo-Rey and Anne Brunon-Ernst of the French Centre Bentham.