
Centre for Behaviour Change


Serving up action on plate waste: why customers leave food when eating out

6 June 2023

Why customers leave food when eating out, and what the hospitality sector can do to change this to protect profits and reduce waste.

food waste image

Discover actionable solutions to reduce food waste in the hospitality sector! Join the thought-provoking webinar on 22nd June, hosted by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP). This event will delve into the reasons behind customer plate waste when dining out, offering valuable insights to protect profits and promote sustainability.

The Plate Waste Problem: In the UK's Hospitality and Food Service (HaFS) sector, an alarming 1.1 million tonnes of food is wasted each year. Shockingly, 18% of purchased food is thrown away, costing the sector a staggering £3.2 billion. With a substantial portion of food waste originating from customers' plates, it's crucial to address this issue and create a positive impact.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Gain Understanding: Experts from WRAP will explore the root causes of plate waste, providing valuable insights to tackle the problem effectively.
  • New Research Insights: Discover the latest research findings on plate waste in the HaFS sector, offering innovative solutions and practical strategies to reduce waste.
  • Protect Your Business: Learn how to safeguard your business amidst economic uncertainties and embrace sustainable practices aligned with your Net Zero goals.

Esteemed Speakers:

  • Sian Morgan, Associate Specialist in Behaviour Change at WRAP
  • Dr Joanna Hale, Strategic Behavioural Insights Team, Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra)
  • Martina Dell, Head of Projects and Consultancy, Sustainable Restaurant Association

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the movement towards reducing plate waste in the hospitality sector. Secure your spot by registering for the webinar today.

Register Here