The Bartlett Real Estate Institute is directed by Dr Nikodem Szumilo.
Dr Nikodem Szumilo - Academic Director

Dr Nikodem Szumilo is a real estate academic interested in answering important questions about sustainability, health and economics by looking at evidence from real estate.
Although he is currently focusing on economics and finance, his past work has been published in planning, urban studies and sustainability journals.
Before joining UCL, Nikodem worked at the London School of Economics and the University of Cambridge (where he received his PhD). He is an academic visitor to the Bank of England and a Research Affiliate of the UCL Centre for Finance.
Research projects
Nikodem’s current research interests revolve around pricing real assets, financing their transactions and the intersection of the two fields. His methods are focused on applied microeconometrics.
His latest project (with Roth, Pinchbeck, Vanino) uses the housing market to examine for the first time the extent and distribution of the costs of indoor air pollution. In particular, he looks at radon: an indoor pollutant which is the second largest cause of lung cancer after smoking, estimated to be responsible for some 3.8 million global deaths each year.
He is also working on two projects related to banking and mortgage markets. The first (with Ahlfeldt and Tripathy), looks at a new channel through which household borrowing is affected by changes in house prices. It uses a novel identification approach to show that increasing house prices have some previously unknown adverse welfare effects. The second, examines how the legal process of repossessing a property affects real estate and mortgage markets.
He recently completed projects on isolating an endogenous price effect in property markets, demonstrating the impact of government housing finance schemes on entrepreneurship rates (with Vanino) and showing the impact of bank competition on mortgage markets.
View the projects Nikodem is currently working on.
Professor Yolande Barnes – BREI Chair

Prof. Yolande Barnes has been examining and analysing real estate markets since 1986. As Director of World Research at Savills, Yolande provided evidence-based advice to clients and thought-leadership in real estate.
She set up and ran the UK residential research department, pioneering and developing new techniques for measuring place potential, land values and sustainable urbanism.
In 2012, she applied these techniques globally and in 2014 took on all sectors worldwide, focusing on cities.
She is an advisor to a variety of different enterprises and organisations. She writes regularly for research publications, national and international newspapers on a variety of property-related topics, and regularly appears on television and radio.
View the projects Yolande is currently working on.
Professor Andrew Edkins

Prof. Andrew Edkins' experience is purely projects - and complex or major ones in particular. After finishing his degree, he started out working for his father's construction company and cut his management teeth on complex commercial refurbishment projects. He then went on a superb graduate training scheme with the former John Laing plc and upon completition of that, was proudly part of the team who built Chelsea & Westminster hospital - the first 'fast-track' major teaching hospital project for the NHS. Following the recession of the early 1990s, he went to UCL to acquire his masters in Construction Economics and Management and since then, he has been an academic (1996 - 2000; 2004 - date) and in industry (2000 - 2004). The four years he spent out of UCL was as a member of the senior management team in the PFI sector - working for a company that was the operator and consortium hub for PFI/PPP prisons and other custodial services.
View the projects Andrew is currently working on.
Professor Stanimira Milcheva

Prof. Stanimira Milcheva is a professor in Real Estate Finance. Previously, she worked at Henley Business School at the University of Reading and at the University of Regensburg. Stani studied Economics at the University of Mannheim and did her PhD at the University of Regensburg. Stani's research interest is in real estate investment and finance, affordable housing, and infrastructure finance.
View the projects Stanimira is currently working on.
Dr Nicolas Duran

Dr Nicolas Duran is a Lecturer of Real Estate Economics at The Bartlett Real Estate Institute. His research is on topics from urban and real estate economics. In particular, Nicolas has studied spatial effects and externalities on housing markets and the impact of indoor air quality on student performance. He is also module lead for two modules in the MSc of Real Estate Economics and Investment Analysis and of one module in the MSc Learning Environments and MSc Healthcare Facilities.
View the projects Nicolas is currently working on.
Dr Rodrigo Martinez
Dr Rodrigo Martinez is a Lecturer in Real Estate and Finance. His main research focus lies on the causes and consequences of housing affordability. His previous research studied how new home-sharing platforms like Airbnb can drive housing prices and rents in large touristic cities. Currently, he is working on the effects of natural disasters on real estate development and urban density. Also, he is working on projects that evaluate the impact on the housing market of housing policy, as in the case of rent control.
Before joining UCL, Rodrigo was a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Housing and Urban Research (IBF) at Uppsala University in Sweden. Before that. he received his PhD from the University of Barcelona. He is a module leader in the MSc of Real Estate Economics and Investment Analysis.