
UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose


Response to the Treasury Select Committee Inquiry

Professor Mariana Mazzucato and research fellow Matteo Deleidi provide their response to the Treasury Select Committee inquiry on the “Effectiveness and impact of post-2008 UK monetary policy”.

Response to the Treasury Committee

3 May 2017

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The response focuses on two areas identified in the inquiry terms of reference:

  • The effectiveness of monetary policy in meeting the inflation target
  • The unintended consequences of monetary policy

The Treasury Committee examines the effectiveness of monetary policy in meeting the inflation target, the unintended consequences of monetary policy and the prospects for monetary policy in the UK.


  • Mariana Mazzucato | Director, Professor in the Economics of Innovation and Public Value, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose
  • Matteo Deleidi | Honorary Research Associate, UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose