Creative Bureaucracies and Sustainable Growth
22 June 2023, 5:30 pm–7:00 pm

The UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP) invites you to the seventh public talk of the IIPP 2023 Festival: The Entrepreneurial State 2.0. - Rethinking the State in the 21st Century.
Event Information
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IIPP Communications
Thursday 22 June 2023 | 17:30-19:00 (BST) UK Time
What would the world be like without the internet, vaccines or quantum mechanics? Contrary to the common sense attributing these inventions to isolated heroic entrepreneurs, the driving forces behind these developments were complex bureaucratic networks of public and private talent with the ability to imagine, plan, iterate, and deliver.
Understanding how successful innovations build on bureaucracies and how such bureaucracies are established and evolve is essential to envision and implement an Entrepreneurial State. What are the emerging technological and socio-economic challenges? How can governments build both long-term capacity and dynamic capabilities?
Join this panel to understand more about “innovation bureaucracy”. Learn about “bureaucracy hackers”, the importance of creating a “missions mystique”, and the new tools, methodologies and ways of engaging with citizenship that governments use to promote and support innovation in reaching SDGs.
The panel discussion is chaired by Rainer Kattel, Professor of Innovation and Public Governance at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose and will include speakers such as Aaron Maniam, Fellow of Practice & Director, Digital Transformation Education Programme, Oxford Blavatnik School, Gabriella Gomez-Mont, Visiting Professor of Practice and Senior Policy Fellow at the UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, Michelle Pawson, Strategic Advisor and Principal Policy Analyst at the New Zealand (NZ) Public Service and B. Guy Peters, Maurice Falk Professor of American Government at the University of Pittsburgh.
This event is part of the IIPP 2023 Festival: The Entrepreneurial State 2.0. - Rethinking the State in the 21st Century. #TheEntrepreneurialState2.0
About the Speakers
Aaron Maniam
Fellow of Practice & Director, Digital Transformation Education Programme at Oxford Blavatnik School

Aaron’s expertise lies in the intersection of public policy and technology, particularly digitalization and its links to economic, social, regulatory and diplomatic strategy.
In his role, this award-winning poet and civil servant maintains a deep interest in the development of research material on digital transformation of governments throughout the world, as well as broader issues like the links between policy, innovation, strategic foresight and complex adaptive systems. He is based in Singapore. More about Aaron Maniam
Gabriella Gomez-Mont
Visiting Professor of Practice & Senior Policy Fellow at UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose (IIPP)

She was also the Chief Creative Officer of Mexico City, and the founder of Laboratorio para la Ciudad (2013 – 2018), the award-winning experimental arm and creative think-tank of the Mexico City government, reporting to the Mayor. As director of the Lab she headed a highly transdiciplinary team: from urban geographers, political scientists and civic tech experts, to artists, historians and philosophers. The Lab was created to tackle urban challenges – from experiments in democracy and mobility to projects related to spatial justice, play as a city making tool; new models of dynamic governance and civic tech platforms etc – creating novel transdisciplinary methodologies and participatory practices, exploring ways to find common ground in a gargantuan, diverse (and often divided) city. Hence the Lab’s projects were multiple, often paradigmatic and covered widely in international publications.
Besides her fascination with all things city, Gabriella ihas been a journalist, visual artist, and director of documentary films, as well as a creative advisor to several universities and companies. She has received several international recognitions for her work in different fields, such as the first prize in the Audi Urban Future Award, the Best Art Practice Award given by the Italian government, The Creative Bureaucrats Award by the city of Berlin, and the TED City 2.0 Prize, among others. She was also named one of the 100 most creative people in business by Fast Company magazine. Gabriella is a Yale World Fellow, TED Senior Fellow, MIT Director´s Fellow, Georgetown University Visiting Fellow, Canadian Urban Institute Senior Fellow, Institute for the Future Fellow, a Salzburg Seminar Fellow, a Fabrica Alumni and a World Cities Summit Young Leader. More about Gabriella Gomez-Mont
Michelle Pawson
Strategy and Principal Policy Advisor at New Zealand (NZ) Public Service

Michelle's policy background includes, climate change, environment, strategy, risk, and governance. Over her public policy career, she has contributed to numerous projects and legislative reforms, including previously holding the roles of Principal Advisor, Office of the Chief Executive, Ministry for the Environment, and to NZ’s Climate Change Adaptation Technical Working Group. She has led international collaborations between the NZ government and the Stockholm Resilience Centre (2019), and Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose, UCL (2020-2021).
Michelle is interested in socio-ecological resilience and rethinking public policy systems to co-create a more inclusive and equitable future. Her academic background in science, sustainability, planning and resource management, with an interest in new economic thinking and innovation.
Michelle’s climate change interest is centred around socio-ecological resilience and rethinking public purpose to co-create a more inclusive and equitable future. Her academic background in science, sustainability, planning and resource management, with an interest in new economic thinking and anticipatory governance. More about Michelle Pawson
B. Guy Peters
Maurice Falk Professor of American Government at University of Pittsburgh

In addition he is launching an international research project on political patronage, building on a recently completed book on Latin America and another forthcoming book on Asia. More about B. Guy Peters
Prof Rainer Kattel
Professor of Innovation and Public Governance at UCL Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose

He led Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance for 10 years, building it into one of the leading innovation and governance schools in the region.
Professor Kattel has also served on various public policy commissions, including the Estonian Research Council and European Science Foundation. He has worked as an expert for the OECD, UNDP and the European Commission, and served as a member of E-Estonia Council advising the Prime Minister of Estonia. Currently, he leads the Estonian Government’s Gender Equality Council.
He has published extensively on innovation policy, its governance and specific management issues. In 2013, he received Estonia's National Science Award for his work on innovation policy. More about Prof Rainer Kattel