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search-total-matching5083search-total-matching- B-Pro wins ACADIA Award of Excellence | The Bartlett School of Architecture - UCL – University College London
- Institute awarded historic third Platform Grant | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- Why are Most Buildings Rectangular? And Other Essays on Geometry and Architecture published | UCL Energy Institute - UCL – University College London
- DPU's Giorgio Talocci awarded IJHP ‘Best Early Career Article’ Prize | The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - UCL – University College London
- Applications invited for legal analyst and election analyst at Somaliland Presidential Election | The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - UCL – University College London
- Why the automobile has no future | The Bartlett School of Planning - UCL – University College London
- DPU staff continue to be nominated for teaching awards | The Bartlett Development Planning Unit - UCL – University College London
- Environmental footprints between China and the EU - new study by ISR | UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources - UCL – University College London
- Dissertation Day at CASA 2017 | The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis - UCL – University College London
- Simon Damkjaer's research on water scarcity featured on the cover of Ambio | UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources - UCL – University College London
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