Urbanism latest
27 results

UCL CASA welcomes Professor Mark Tewdwr-Jones
Professor Mark Tewdwr-Jones appointed Professor of Cities and Regions at UCL…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

New Urban Agenda: New Urban Analytics
New Urban Agenda: New Urban Analytics | A Report Prepared for the MacArthur Foundation…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

Smart Cities and Planning: New Urban Agenda, New Urban Analytics
Smart Cities and Planning: New Urban Agenda, New Urban Analytics. 15 December 2017. Applicable Urban Informatics (funded by the MacArthur Foundation) is a CASA research project exploring the relationships between urban analytics and smart cities…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

Dr Hitomi Nakanishi Visits CASA
Dr Hitomi Nakanishi Visits CASA. 27 October 2017. Dr Hitomi Nakanishi, from the University of Canberra, paid a short visit to CASA in October 2017, as part of her current research project, “Flood evacuation modelling and the visualisation of…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

Spotlight On: Yao Shen
Yao Shen is a trained Architect/Urban Designer who worked as a post-doc researcher at CASA after obtaining his PhD from The Bartlett School of Architecture.…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

Geddes’ Centenary Paper is the Editor’s Choice in Landscape and Urban Planning
The Editor of the journal Landscape and Urban Planning has chosen the paper by Michael Batty and Stephen Marshall on Patrick Geddes as Editor’s choice for October 2017.…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

Spotlight On: Flora Roumpani
Flora Roumpani is an Architect Engineer and completed her PhD at CASA in 2018.…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

Conference: Smart Cities and Planning: The New Urban Agenda, The New Urban Analytics
An upcoming conference on smart cities at Senate House, University of London, Wednesday 29 November and Thursday 30 November 2017…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

Spotlight On: Valerio Signorelli
Valerio is an architect and urban sensory researcher at CASA.…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis

CASA Working Paper 205
CASA Working Paper 205. 24 February 2016. Jean Reynaud: Seer of Space. In this paper we seek to present both a translation of the Robic text and a wider view of Jean Reynaud and the times in which he lived. An English translation already exists…
Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis