I am a PhD student in the ‘First Light’ team of Prof Dr Richard Ellis, working under his supervision. I have only very recently started my studies at UCL and am investigating the cosmic epoch of reionization from the vantage of both observations and simulations. My current focus lies on exploring different properties and mechanisms in high-redshift galaxies that, among others, result in vastly different LyC escape fractions and line ratios. Those prove to be key to understanding the reionization of the early universe.
I completed both my Master’s as well as my Bachelor’s degree in Physics at the University Observatory (USM) of the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) in Munich, where I worked under the supervision of Dr Klaus Dolag and Dr Rhea-Silvia Rhemus on the simulation of turbulence in the ISM as well as on the detection of planes of satellite galaxies in large-scale cosmological simulations.
My personal website can be found here.