
UCL Accommodation


Four tips from current students on living in Halls

19 October 2023

Living in student accommodation can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also be challenging. Especially with so much going on in your first weeks at university, it can be tricky settling into your new home.

A group of students attending a Welcome Party at their hall

We asked two current students who lived in student accommodation, Ava (they/them) and Rupert (he/him), some questions about living in Halls:

1. How did you meet new people in Halls?

Ava: I spent a lot of time in my kitchen talking to my flatmates. Sometimes we would cook dinner together, which was great for sharing our food cultures and bonding.

Rupert: I met some people living in a different flat at a Flourish quiz night. Attending Flourish activities was a nice way to meet other people from my hall!

2. Hall communities are very diverse, what’s your top tip for being inclusive?

Ava: If I had to pick one thing, it would be to always be mindful of the questions you’re asking and whether you really need to know. And if you ask, be open-minded and willing to learn about other people’s identities. 

Rupert: To add to what Ava said, try to remember not everyone likes the same things you do and not to pressure them into anything. Think about how your actions might impact other people.

3.    What’s your advice for sharing spaces (like kitchens) with others?

Ava: I think the most important thing is to be considerate of others – make the effort to clean up after yourself as soon as you finish using something so someone else can use it. And don’t be afraid to speak up about your feelings and needs to your flatmates. It can be a bit daunting, but if they are stepping on your boundaries, it’s important to make that clear – you have as much of a right to enjoy using the space as they do!

Rupert: Completely agree with cleaning up after yourself. I would just add to also try not to take up too much space in the fridge or in cupboards. It’s annoying if you can’t even squeeze a tub of ice cream in because someone is taking up the whole freezer! 

4.    What’s your advice for resolving conflicts with flatmates, if they arise?

Ava: I was lucky and didn’t have many (except over who was using all the soap and kitchen roll!). I think the most important thing is to not go in looking for a fight, but a compromise. Make your feelings clear but also listen to the other person and try to find a solution that works for both of you. We decided to split the cost of essentials using the Splitwise app – which made everyone a lot more conscious of what they were using! 

Rupert: Some of my flatmates and I liked staying up late, but a few others went to bed early. Usually, we managed to find a compromise (like us not playing music in the kitchen too loudly) without too much arguing. I think if things had gotten worse (especially at the start) we could have spoken to the Hall Team or SRAs for advice.