Barcelona-Jocs Seminar 2001/2002
Seminar on game theory and its applications

Organization: Antonio Cabrales (U.P.F.)
Place: Centre Internacional de Premsa de Barcelona.
Rbla. Catalunya, 10, pral. - 08007 Barcelona

Programs from earlier years

I SESSION - Monday OCTOBER 29, 2001

Informational Cascades Elicit Private Information.

19:30 h. GUILLERMO OWEN - Naval Postgraduate Institute, Monterrey, CA.
Centrality and Power in Social Networks. A Game Theoretic Approach.

II SESSION - Monday NOVEMBER 26, 2001

18:30 h. JOERGEN WEIBULL - Stockholm School of Economics.
Deterministic approximation of stochastic evolution in games.

19:30 h. SJAAK HURKENS - Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Evolutionary Insights on the Willingness to Communicate.

III SESSION - Monday JANUARY 28, 2002

18:30 h. RICARD TORRES - Universitat de Girona and ITAM.
Coordination in Teams

19:30 h. HAMID SABOURIAN - King's College, University of Cambridge.
Complexity and Competition

IV SESSION - Monday FEBRUARY 25, 2002

18:30 h. ANTONI CALVÓ-ARMENGOL - UAB and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Social Networks and Dynamics of Employment and Wages

19:30 h. SANJEEV GOYAL - Queen Mary College, and Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
Unequal Connections (graphs)

V SESSION - Monday April 22, 2002
Notice that this is not the last Monday of the month.

18:30 h. MARINA NUÑEZ - Universitat de Barcelona
The assignment game: extreme core allocations and point solutions

19:30 h. HERVÉ MOULIN - Rice University.
Collective choice under dichotomous preferences

VI SESSION - Monday May 27, 2002

18:30 h. JORDI MASSÓ - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Voting by Committees under Constraints

19:30 h. LEONARDO FELLI - London School of Economics.
Unforeseen Contingencies