
EGA Institute for Women's Health


Prospective research students

Identifying Research Opportunities

UCL provides comprehensive guidance for prospective graduate students on the Information for Prospective Graduate Student pages of the UCL Graduate Prospectus. Prior to making an application you must first identify a supervisor.  Please make sure you refer to the Guidance on how to contact potential supervisors. Once you have identified your potential supervisor and made contact with them, you will need to work with them to complete the

The checklist must be submitted to the Departmental Graduate Tutor for approval and at the same time you can submit your online application to UCL.

Graduate research opportunities exist across the breadth of the Institute. These opportunities can be explored, and potential supervisors identified, by accessing our academic research pages.

Stages to making an application

Scholarships & Funding

General information

More information about UCL Scholarships can be found on UCL’s Information for Prospective Students pages, as can up-to-date information about tuition fees.

For more information on the career destinations of our graduate students see our employability page.