
EGA Institute for Women's Health



i-Expense Claim Instructions

Log in to MyFinance

[Screen One]

  • Click on 'Internet Expenses'
  • Click 'Create Expense Claim' (upper right hand corner)
  • Enter a 'Purpose' (something short and descriptive like ‘RCP Conference expenses - May 2023’)
  • Click 'Next' at the bottom

[Screen Two]

  • Enter the 'Date' of the receipt.
  • Enter the amount you’d like to claim i.e. £1,000
  • Choose an 'Expense Type' from the drop-down menu.
  • Enter a 'Justification' (something like ‘RCP Conference Fees’ or 'cab fare from airport').
  • If you have receipts in an alternative currency to GBP please select the ‘show receipt currency’ button. This will calculate the conversion automatically once you have selected the appropriate currency.
  • For each line you will also need to select the line number (column two located on the left hand side of the date column) which will direct you to another screen. Please complete all the relevant details and select return when finished.
  • (Optional) If you have a scan of the receipt, you can upload it by clicking on the 'Details' icon (a blue box at the end of the line) and then 'Add' (under Attachments) - You will still need to send the original receipts to central finance. If you choose not to upload the receipts you will be responsible for retaining a copy of the receipts for your records.
  • Click 'Next' at the bottom of the screen.

[Screen Three]

  • Enter the Project, Task and Award information (if you’re not sure please ask your line manager or email Sarah Clegg or Ian Waller).

  • Select the  icon to begin the process of attaching you receipts. You will see the 'choose file' button which will take you to your available files. Select the appropriate documentation and select either 'apply' if you have only one receipt or 'add another' if you have multiple receipts. Once all receipts have been added, please press 'apply' and select the 'submit' button on the next screen to complete the expense claim process. This will go to an approver and once complete, you will receive an email notification to advise the claim has been lodged successfully. Payment into your nomoinated bank account usually takes aropund 1-2 weeks from the date of submission.