
Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research



Most PhD places at UCL are now administered via 4-year PhD programmes with a taught element in the first year, plus three 3-month "rotation projects" in different labs, prior to the student's deciding on a lab and project for the final three years. Prospective students must apply to these programmes directly, naming one or two preferred supervisors who are participants in the programme.

There are also a few traditional 3-year studentships available through specific medical charities e.g. the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Society http://www.mssociety.org.uk/ms-research/for-researchers/types-of-grants.  Applications for these involve a short project proposal (grant application) to the charity from the student and his/her chosen supervisor.  They do not include a specific taught element (other than the taught credits required of all PhD students at UCL) and they do not involve lab rotations.