Note that for most of our past events, slide decks and often a video recording of the presentations are available. Find the archive for our monthly series on cycling, Cycling@teatime here.
- Workshop on Entrepreneurship: converting academic ideas into real world ventures
Thursday 7th June, 2018
This event featured presentations from four entrepreneurs, two of them also working as academics at UCL. We learned a great deal about the highs and lows of entrepreneurship and got a lot of practical advice from the panel. We also reviewed UCL's in-house support for entrepreneurship and talked a bit about recent funding calls from Innovate UK and other funders. Below you'll find information about our panelists and slides about UCL's in-house resources and a summary of current funding calls related to transport
- Dragons' Den-style event on promoting active travel
Monday 27th June 2016
This day-long event brought together researchers, local government officers, consultants, third-sector practitioners and campaigners to work in teams on proposals that were then presented to three "dragons".
The two proposals selected by the dragons will now receive support from UCL in pursuing funding.
- Radical Transport Conference
Monday June 20th 2016
This day-long conference brought together a diversity of researchers and practitioners, sharing their thinking on subjects ranging from psycho-geography to hitch-hiking. It was a blast.
Review the list of presentations and speakers. Slides from most of the presentations can be found here.
- Transport systems and well-being in Nigeria: socio-economic development and environmental change
Wednesday, 20th January 2016
Dr Ibidun Adelekan, University of Ibadan, Nigeria, gave this seminar as part of our African Voices event series.
- Professor Larry Frank of University of British Columbia
Monday 7th December 2015
Larry, an eminent researcher on the relationship between transport, land use and public health, told us about his work and most recent research findings.
- Travel behaviour change: bringing the latest academic research to bear
Monday 21st September 2015
An animated half-day of presentations and discussion, featuring the latest findings from leading academic researchers, comments from two senior practitioners (Steve Shaffelburg who works in public health at Westminster and Tony Duckenfield of Steer Davies Gleave) and plenty of debate amongst the audience.
Review Dr Caroline Wood's slides (UCL's Centre for Behaviour Change)
Review Dr Ian Walker's slides (University of Bath)
Review Dr Kiron Chatterjee's slides (University of the West of England, Bristol)
Review Dr Anna Goodman's slides (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
And see a list of the sources cited by presenters
- Rethinking Transport Appraisal
1st June and 9th July 2015
This pair of seminars brought together leading thinkers on the topic of transport appraisal and fostered refreshing debate on both the philosophy and practical application of appraisal techniques.
Recordings of both are available:
The first, entitled Critically Examining the Current Approaches, brought together Professors Petter Naess and Bert van Wee amongst others (More info here)
The second, entitled Developing the Approaches to Transport Appraisal included contributions from Professor Cathy Macharis and Dr Kim Salling (More info here)
- Reducing crime on the transport network - the role of data (seminar of the Transport Statistics User Group)
Wednesday 20th May 2015
UCL speakers from our departments of Security and Crime Science and Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering, together with colleagues from Transport for London and the University of Huddersfield, addressed various aspects of crime on the transport network and its management using increasingly rich and extensive data sets.
View Reka Solymosi's presentation
- We need to talk about infrastructure
23rd March 2015
This practitioner-orientated seminar, delivered with partners Dialogue by Design, posed a simple challenge: when Government plans to invest £375 billion in infrastructure projects up to 2020, how can this be done with local communities, rather than against them?
Read a blog post about the event
Read our report inspired by the event, Infrastructure and the Citizen
- Transforming transport research into policy and practice
15 October 2014
In collaboration with House of Commons Transport Committee and supported by EPSRC.
This half-day conference was about creating bridges between researchers and research users, to ensure that practical research findings are rapidly absorbed into policy making and practice. It combined highlights from recent research and hosted a panel-led debate about how to ensure better application of research findings in the future.
The conference marked the conclusion of a series of seminars at which the latest research on a range of transport-relevant themes was presented and debated.
- UCL Smeed Memorial Lecture by Professor Stephen Glaister
7 October 2014
Professor Stephen Glaister delivered the Smeed Memorial Lecture at UCL under the title: The Smeed Report at Fifty: will road pricing always be ten years way? This is the accompanying paper.
- Symposium on Cycling and Culture
1st May 2014
This was the first event to take place under the research theme of Transport and Culture.
Chaired by theme leader Professor Iain Borden of the Bartlett School of Architecture, it provided delegates with a feast of presentations ranging in subject matter from how different north American cities are encouraging cycling to how to lock your bike so that it doesn't get stolen.
- Joint seminar with TSUG on High Speed 2
16th April 2014
The Transport Statistics User Group (TSUG) combined with UCL Transport Institute to deliver its seminar on HS2 at UCL. Delegates were treated to a wide-ranging debate about the rationale for and justification of the project, with reference to the use of data. Michael Colella of TfL spoke about the challenges that HS2 brings to London; Robert Cochrane, a visiting professor at Imperial College London, called for a more transparency in the business case and underlying forecasting; and Richard Davies, special adviser to the policy team of the Rail Delivery Group, spoke about how HS2 might be franchised and concessioned. An animated time was had by all.
- Launch of David Metz's book: Peak Car - the Future of Travel
2nd April 2014
A diverse audience gathered in UCL's Old Refectory to hear the former chief scientist at the Department of Transport explain the logic behind his claim that car use has peaked in many developed economies. In a wide-ranging presentation, David also talked about the possibility of peak aviation and the prospect of encouraging developing countries to gravitate to a mode share for car of 30% without going through the pain barrier experienced by the countries of the west.
UCL's emeritus Professor Phil Goodwin responded to David, agreeing with much of what he had said but presenting a slightly different perspective on the topic. And Professor Peter Jones, himself an expert on the question of peak car, chaired with characteristic élan, managing contributions which ranged from support for David's thesis to, shall we say, a different perspective?