The symposium 'Night Moves' in October 2017 brought together a range of contributors and generated discussions that together begin to map out a framework for understanding 'transport at night' and shaping the research agenda for this area.
Participants included:
• Amy Lamé, London's Night Czar
• Mark Curran, TfL Night Tube Sponsor - Night Tube: Research past, present, & future. Slides
• Brian Stacy, Arup - Rethinking Urban lighting systems for the needs of pedestrians and cyclists
• Sarah Wise, UCL Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis - visualizing data: paths of London freight drivers. Slides
• Jon Paris, Intelligence & Analysis Team, Enforcement & On-Street Operations, TfL - 'The Night Tube: changing patterns of crime, anti-social behaviour on London transport.'
• George Buxton, WSP - Cartography: representations of night transport and social/economic implications in New York, Paris, and Venice
• Jenny McArthur, Enora Robin, Emilia Smeds, UCL Science Technology Engineering and Public Policy (STEAPP) - Night Time Workers: equitable provision of transport for night time workers. Slides
• Anna Plyushteva, Cosmopolis Centre for Urban Research, Vrije Universiteit Brussel - The urban NTE as a place of work: Night-time commutes in the hospitality and catering sectors of Brussels and Sofia. Slides
• Ben Campkin, UCL Urban Lab, UCL Architectural History & Theory - Queer Night Moves: LGBTQ venues & transport infrastructure from 1986 - present
• Daniel Hernandez, UCL Development Planning Unit - Nigeria: reflection on the configuration of night urban transport systems, focusing on peripheral poor neighbourhoods.
• Michele Acuto, Ellie Cosgrave, UCL STEAPP - 'sharing' the city as a 24-hour entity & implications for mobility from different disciplines