Co-Developing Translational Research Training with Patient Involvement
23 April 2021
This blog highlights the story of ACCELERATE Potential and the voices involved to develop the online translational training resource.

ACCELERATE is UCL’s translational research training programme (a collaboration between the UCL Academic Careers Office and UCL Translational Research Office) offering technical training, skills development, and encouraging innovative thinking for researchers wanting to create impact with their research in healthcare.
Wanting to include stakeholder engagement as a key component of ACCELERATE, Kim Gurwitz (Programme Manager) invited UCL Public Engagement to help develop the resource, and reached out to Linda Von Neree, who leads the voluntary patient and public researcher panel at the UCL Blood and Transplant Research Unit (BTRU). The team was complete when other members of the patient and public panel came on board. It is an example of why working in a networked way, and forging links with patients early on, is so important for stakeholder input.
Together, the team created a training resource which highlights different motivations and drivers for engaging in translational research from the viewpoint of researchers, ethics, research quality, industry, and legal considerations, and now including patient stakeholders.