
Translational Research Office (TRO)


TRO Blog: Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) 2021 – Implications for the Devices Academic Community

9 September 2020

In this blog article, 'Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) 2021 – Implications for the Devices Academic Community', Dr Simon Eaglestone (TRO) provides some clarity on the new regulatory requirements in regards to what it means for device academics working in universities.

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Following last week’s announcement from the MHRA regarding changes to the regulation for devices to be marketed in the UK, we asked Translational Research Manager Dr Simon Eaglestonewho has represented the UCL Translational Research Office in various discussions around the new Medical Devices Regulation (MDR) for 2021, to comment on the implications this has for the devices academic community and the support available at UCL to ensure compliance and accelerate translation of medical devices to the market.

Read the full thought leader article