Due Diligence Challenge: a cross-disciplinary medicine discovery training workshop
26 April 2023–27 April 2023, 12:00 pm–4:30 pm

A workshop designed to address critical barriers faced when translating fundamental scientific discoveries to improvements in human health.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
Nasema Uddin
Date: 26 and 27 April 2023
Venue: Edgbaston Park Hotel, Lloyd Suite, University of Birmingham
About the workshop
This workshop will bring together researchers from the University of Birmingham (UoB), UCL and other Wellcome Trust Translational Partnership Award (TPA) partner universities to focus on the key considerations for research projects at the preclinical-to-clinical translation phase, a critical barrier when translating fundamental scientific discoveries to improvements in human health. Organised by the University of Birmingham Translational Research Team under the realms of the WT TPA Network.
During this interactive workshop, you will:
- Be part of a small pre-defined cross-disciplinary team incorporating a mix of chemists, clinicians and bioscientists to build on each other’s knowledge and expertise.
- Review a fictional in-licensing opportunity, as though you were carrying-out a due diligence assignment for a pharma company. Although the case itself is fictional, the data and technical information you will be reviewing are based on genuine clinical development compounds.
- Require your collective knowledge and understanding of the preclinical-to-clinical translation phase and how best to manage risk during this phase, in order to provide a considered and well-justified view and recommendation on whether or not to invest in the opportunity presented to you by the end of the workshop.
While the asset under discussion will be a small molecule therapeutic, the learning from the workshop as well as the cross-disciplinary networks established during the event will benefit researchers working in all fields of drug discovery, biomarkers and devices.
What is Due Diligence?
Due diligence is the process of deciding if a new technology, drug or idea makes sense from a risk-benefit perspective – it is an essential step on a translational research pathway. It primarily involves detailed technical evaluation alongside assessment of risks and consideration of risk mitigation options.
Learning Objectives
- Build knowledge and understanding of the interface between biomedical research, drug discovery and early clinical development
- Develop working knowledge of aligned disciplines and their contribution to drug discovery
- Establish cross-disciplinary networks and learn from your peers about the key considerations to support drug discovery research activities at the preclinical-to-clinical translation phase, future projects and grant-writing.
Who is this course for?
Researchers employed by the University College London (UCL) or working for a University College London NHS Foundation Trust and other Wellcome Trust TPA partner universities. This workshop is not intended for PhD students.
Participants can be involved in drug discovery projects across all modalities including small molecules, antibodies, peptides/proteins, nucleotide and cell-based therapies. We also welcome researchers working in other areas of translation such as devices and development of biomarkers.
Day 1 – 26th April 2023
12-1.30 Arrive for lunch
1.30-1.40 Overview of the event and set-up multidisciplinary teams
1.40-3.15 Introduction to drug discovery session
3.15-3.30 Due diligence assignment – kick-off
3.30-6.00 Tea followed by initial discussions within teams
6.30-7.30 Dinner
7.30-9.00 Teams work on the assignment with tutor support
Day 2 – 27th April 2023
9.00-11.00 Teams work on the assignment and finalise presentation
11.00-1.00 Teams give their presentations on the assignment
(Teams not presenting will continue to work as a team and complete an online multiple-choice quiz)
1.00-2.00 Lunch
2.00-2.30 Announcement of the winner team and feedback on the assignment
2.30-4.00 Drug discovery case study
4.00-4.30 Feedback from participants and close – open for networking
Course Delivery
The event is organised by the University of Birmingham Translational Research Team and run by Expert in Residence (EiR) and external consultant to the Birmingham Drug Discovery Hub, David Fox (Vulpine Science and Learning).
David has been EiR at the University of Birmingham since 2019 and has over 18 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry along with expertise in STEM education and training. David brings vast experience in drug discovery from early conception to preclinical evaluation having been involved in the identification of eleven development candidates, from eight mechanistic classes, including four Phase II compounds. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, where he introduced a series of precompetitive workshops to help drive increased cross-sector collaboration in pharmaceutical research. At UoB David is supporting the Birmingham Drug Discovery Hub with his expertise in translation of fundamental research to preclinical drug development stages.
To register interest, please contact:
Ms Nasema Uddin, Translational Training Manager, UCL: Nasema.uddin@ucl.ac.uk
Deadline: 31/03/2023, 16:00
The registration webpage is not ready at this time and why you should register interest in the first instance, with the above contact. This is a competitive process with a limited number of places per Wellcome Trust TPA partner university. The costs for registration, overnight hotel stay, catering and travel will be met through the Wellcome Trust Translational Partnership Award. Please complete the below questions (which will be asked when registration webpage link is ready) to help us plan in the meantime:
Questions we will ask in the registration form:
Q1: First name:
Q2: Last name:
Q3: Email:
Q4: Job title:
Q5: University / College:
Q6: Institute / School:
Q7: Are you new to translation? i.e. Have you previously received a translational funding award? If so, what was the award?
Q8: Multiple choice question: In order to help us arrange attendees into cross-disciplinary teams, please highlight and select your areas of expertise below (please select all that apply and add others we may have missed).
- Clinical academic
- Medicinal chemistry
- Pharmaceutical chemistry
- Computational science / data analysis
- Pharmacokinetics
- Pharmacology
- Toxicology
- Biochemistry
- Bioinformatics
- Other discipline (please specify)
Q9: This workshop is being supported by the Wellcome Trust. Are you a current or former Wellcome Researcher? If yes, please give details. Please note, this is not a prerequisite to attend.
Supported by:
- Wellcome Trust
Wellcome Trust TPA Partner Universities:
- University of Birmingham
- The University of Manchester
- The University of Edinburgh
- The London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
- University of Warwick