
Translational Research Office (TRO)


Translational Ecosystem

Learn how the TRO fits into UCL’s ecosystem of translational support.

To successfully translate a therapy from bench to bedside takes the knowledge and expertise of many, and a willingness to collaborate in team multidisciplinary science. This has involved the development of an extensive professional infastruture, to support all staes across the innovation ecosystem, linking to our many partner hospitals, exemplified by our three NIHR Biomedical Research Centres (BRCs) - UCL Hospital (UCLH), Moorfields Eye Hospital (MEH) and Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH). 

The TRO, as part of this extensive network of structures and organisations, adopts a life-cycle management approach and established with the academic, the appropriate team to deliver the project for societal impact.  

UCL's comprehensive translational research ecosystem of support consists of the Translational Research Office (TRO), Research Coordination Office (RCO), Research Innovation Services (RIS), Joint Research Office, UCL Business (UCLB), UCL Consultants (UCLC), Academic Careers Office (ACO) and Innovation & Enterprise (I&E).