A different kind of seminar. One lab, three talks, two hours. Covers the best virology research with plenty of time for discussion.
In spite of the name, this will be an in person only event. No registration is required, just turn up.
It’s a great chance to meet and catch up with people across institutions and we particularly encourage graduate students and post-docs to come along and take advantage of the opportunity to meet fellow students and investigators. The format provides opportunity for extended discussion with ample time for questions and answers as well as informal follow-up discussions.
Further Meetings
Meetings will resume in 2025

The meeting is held monthly during term time, usually on the third Thursday of the month at 4pm.
The programme provides a regular forum for the best virology groups from around the UK to present their work. Sessions are focused on the most exciting and current questions in virology. The format provides opportunity for extended discussion of topics with ample time for questions and answers as well as informal follow-up discussions. After the session everyone is encouraged to come and have a drink in a nearby pub and afterwards speakers and interested parties usually have dinner locally.
Attendance is particularly useful for graduate students and post-docs in providing:
Opportunities for networking: getting to know fellow students and established investigators from other Institutions in an informal setting.
Development of scientific communication skills: presenting work to an expert audience in a friendly environment and discussing work with local experts.
More broadly, the series is intended to support and nurture the professional and social development of the already strong London virology community.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Jane Turner: jane.turner@ucl.ac.uk