
UCL Therapeutic Innovation Networks


Meet the TIN Chairs

Meet the Therapeutic Innovation Networks (TINs) Chairs and TRO's Research Networks & Partnerships Manager for each modality, who work towards bespoke strategic objectives to drive translation at UCL.

TIN Chairs:

Paul Dalby
Professor Paul Dalby

Biologics TIN Chair

the portrait of Prof. Mine Orlu
Professor Mine Orlu

Devices & Diagnostics Chair

oscar della pasqua
Professor Oscar Della Pasqua

Repurposing Chair

Professor Bart Vanhaesebroeck

Small Molecule TIN Co-Chair

Simon Waddington
Professor Simon Waddington

Cell & Gene Therapies TIN Chair

Portrait of Weng Wong
Dr. Weng Wong

Devices & Diagnostics Co-Chair

Jonathan Knowles
Professor Jonathan Knowles

Regenerative Medicines TIN Chair

Matt Todd

Professor Matthew Todd
Small Molecule TIN Co-Chair

TRO Support:

Asha Recino

Dr Asha Recino
Research Networks & Parnterships Manager 
(Biologics, Regenerative Medicine, Repurposing)
Email: a.recino@ucl.ac.uk

Nour AI Kafri

Dr Nour AI Kafri
Research Networks & Parnterships Manager 
 (Cell & Gene Therapies, Devices and Diagnostics, Small Molecules)
Email: n.kafri@ucl.ac.uk