Resources and literature that help you understand, and be inspired by research-based education.
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UCL Connected Curriculum resources
- Connected Curriculum: enhancing programmes of study brochure 2017
- Connected Curriculum Benchmarking Guide, an extract from the above brochure
Connecting Higher Education: International perspectives on research-based education. Read about (and access resources from ) the international conference, hosted by UCL in June 2017, exploring how research-based education help universities make an impact for good in the world.
Books on research-based education, written by UCL Arena Centre staff
PDFs of these books are free to download by following the links.
- A Connected Curriculum for Higher Education (June 2017)
- Developing the Higher Education Curriculum (November 2017)
- Shaping Higher Education with Students: Ways to Connect Research and Teaching (March 2018)
- Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Perspectives from UCL (May 2018)
Articles on Connected Curriculum
- Making connections at UCL: interview with Professor Dilly Fung. A thorough yet approachable write-up on the Universities UK website.
- Only connect: UCL's vision for greater synergy between research and education: a blog post on Efficiency Exchange by Professor Dilly Fung, outlining the ways in which Connected Curriculum sits within and complements other UCL strategy and initiatives.
- Strength-based scholarship and good education: The scholarship circle: a journal by Professor Dilly Fung published in Innovations in Education and Teaching International.
- Engaging students with research through a connected curriculum: An Innovative institutional approach by Professor Dilly Fung Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly 38, no. 2: 30-35.
Literature related to research-based education
An introduction to research-based education
- Teaching and research: New relationships and their implications for inquiry-based teaching and learning in higher education by Brew, Angela (2012), Higher Education Research and Development 31, no. 1: 101–114.
- Linking research and teaching: Exploring disciplinary spaces and the role of inquiry-based learning by Healey, Mick (2005), Reshaping the University: New Relationships between Research, Scholarship and Teaching, edited by Ronald Barnett, 67–78. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.
Evidencing the link between research and teaching
- Engaging students with research through a connected curriculum: An Innovative institutional approach by Fung, Dilly (2016), Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly 38, no. 2: 30-35.
- Strength-based scholarship and good education: The scholarship circle by Fung, Dilly (2016), Innovations in Education and Teaching International.
- A guide to the research evidence on teaching-research relationships by Jenkins, Alan (2004), Higher Education Academy.
- Research-led or research-based undergraduate curricula by Jenkins, Alan and Mick Healey (2012), University teaching in focus: A learning centred-approach, edited by Lynne Hunt and Denise Chalmers, 128–177. Camberwell, Victoria: Acer.
- International perspectives on strategies to support faculty who teach students via research and inquiry by Jenkins, Alan and Mick Healey (2015), CUR Quarterly 35 no. 4: 21–37.
- Academics' experiences and perceptions of 'research' and 'teaching': developing the relationship between these activities to enhance student learning within different disciplines and institutions by Lucas, Lisa, Mick Healey, Alan Jenkins and Chris Short (2008), Higher Education Academy.
- Academics' experiences of understanding of their subject matter and the relationship of this to their experiences of teaching and learning by Prosser, Michael, Elaine Martin, Keith Trigwell, Paul Ramsden and Gillian Lueckenhausen (2005), Instructional Science 33: 137–157.
- Teaching-research relations, cross-disciplinary collegiality and student learning by Trigwell, Keith (2005), Higher Education 49: 235–254.
Other research-based education sources
- Symposium: Research and undergraduate teaching: A false divide? Northwestern University by The American Political Science Association (2015), PS: Political Science & Politics 48, no. 1.
- Research and teaching: Beyond the divide (Book available on Amazon) by Brew, Angela (2006), Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave-MacMillan.
- Towards a connected curriculum in architectural education: Research-based education in practice by Carnell, Brent (2016), Research-based education 2016: Volume 2, publication by the Association of Architectural Educators, 416-426. London: The Bartlett School of Architecture.
- Turning an undergraduate class into a professional research community by Chang, Hasok (2005), Teaching in Higher Education 10, no 3: 387–394.
- 'Threshold guardians': Threshold concepts as guardians of the discipline by Davies, Jason P. (2016), in Threshold Concepts in Practice, edited by Ray Land, Jan H. F. Meyer and Michael Flanagan, 121-134. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Research led teaching: A review of two initiatives in valuing the link between teaching and research by Deakin, Mark (2006), Journal for Education in the Built Environment 1, no. 1: 73–93.
- Linking research and teaching: A staff‐ student interview project by Dwyer, Claire (2001), Journal of Geography in Higher Education 25, no. 3: 357–366. An early 'Meet Your Researcher' activity at UCL.
- The relationship between research and education: Typologies and indicators by Elken, Mari and Sabine Wollscheid (2016), Lysaker, Norway: Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU).
- Knowledge production and the research–teaching nexus: The case of the built environment disciplines by Griffiths, Ron (2004), Studies in Higher Education 29, no. 6: 709–726.
- The relationship between research and teaching: A meta-analysis by Hattie, John, and H.W. Marsh (1996), Review of Education Research 66, no. 4: 507–542.
- Linking research and teaching to benefit student learning by Healey, Mick (2005), Journal of Geography in Higher Education 29, no. 2: 183–201.
- Developing undergraduate research and enquiry by Healey, Mick, and Alan Jenkins (2009), Higher Education Academy (June).
- Developing research-based curricula in college-based higher education by Healey, Mick, Alan Jenkins, and John Lea (2014), The Higher Education Academy (5 March). Focusing on College level education.
- The research–teaching nexus: A case study of students’ awareness, experiences and perceptions of research by Healey, Mick, Fiona Jordan, Barney Pell, and Chris Short (2010), Innovations in Education and Teaching International 47, no. 2: 235–246.
- Developing and enhancing undergraduate final-year projects and dissertations by Healey, Mick, Laura Lannin, Arran Stibbe and James Deroudian (2013), The Higher Education Academy (July).
- Undergraduates and research: Connectivity in the university by Hordern, Jim (2013), Educational Studies 39, no. 5: 535–547.
- Scaffolded Reflection as a Tool for Surfacing Complex Learning in Undergraduate Research Projects by Howitt, Susan and Anna Wilson (2016), Council on Undergraduate Research 36, no. 4 (Summer): 33-34.
- The Relationship between Teaching and research: Where does geography stand and deliver? by Jenkins, Alan (2000), Journal of Geography in Higher Education 24, no. 3: 325–351.
- Undergraduate research and international initiatives to link teaching and research by Jenkins, Alan, and Mick Healey (2010), Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly 30, no. 3: 36–42.
- Teaching and research: Student perspectives and policy implications by Jenkins, Alan, Tim Blackman, Roger Lindsay, and Renee Paton-Saltzberg (1998), Studies in Higher Education 23, no 2: 127–141.
- How do first-year university students experience inquiry and research, and what are the implications for the practice of inquiry-based learning? by Levy, Philippa, and Robert Petrulis (2012), Studies in Higher Education 37, no. 1: 85–101.
- Undergraduate research experiences: Impacts and opportunities by Linn, Marcia C., Erin Palmer, Anne Baranger, Elizabeth Gerard, and Elisa Stone (2015), Science 347, no. 6222.
- Can inquiry‐based learning strengthen the links between teaching and disciplinary research? by Spronken‐Smith, Rachel, and Rebecca Walker (2010), Studies in Higher Education 35, no. 6: 723–740.
- A fundamental misalignment: Intended learning and assessment practices in undergraduate science research projects by Wilson, Anna, Susan Howitt and Denise Higgins (2015), Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.
- Embedding undergraduate research experiences within the curriculum: A cross-disciplinary study of the key characteristics guiding implementation by Zimbardi, Kirsten and Paula Myatt (2014), Studies in Higher Education 39, no. 2: 233–250.
- Promoting integration on campus: Principles, practice and issues for further exploration. A useful document, published by the UK Council for International Student Affairs and the University of Warwick, inspiring social inclusion and relevant to our globalisation agenda.
Rewarding education, promoting educators
- Rewarding educators and education leaders in research-intensive universities by Fung, Dilly and Claire Gordon (2016), The Higher Education Academy.
- The teaching-only academic role in research intensive universities: a case of spoiled identity? by Nyamapfene, Abel (2014), The Higher Education Academy.
- Experiences of the relation between teaching and research: What do academics value? by Robertson, Jane, and Carol H. Bond (2001), Higher Education Research and Development 20, no. 1: 5–19.
Conceptions of research
- An academic perspective on research and being a researcher: An integration of the literature by Åkerlind, Gerlese (2008), Studies in Higher Education 33, no. 1: 17–31.
- Supervisors' conceptions of research and the implications for supervisor development by Bills, Dianne (2004), International Journal for Academic Development 9, no. 1: 85–97.
- Conceptions of Research: A phenomenographic study by Brew, Angela (2001), Studies in Higher Education 26, no 3: 271–285.
- Supervisors' Conceptions of Research: What are they? by Kiley, Margaret and Gerry Mullins (2005), Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 49, no. 3: 245–262.
- Students' Conceptions of Research. I. A qualitative and quantitative analysis by Meyer, Jan, Martin Shanahan and Rüdiger Laugkschc (2005), Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 49, no. 3: 225–244.
E-learning and digital education in research-based education
- E-Learning: A means to increase learner involvement in research by de Beer, Marie and R.B. Mason (2014), International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies 9, no. 2: 42–56.
Libraries and their role in enhancing education
- More than bricks and mortar: Building a community of users through library design by Meunier, Benjamin and Olaf Eigenbrodt (2014), Journal of Library Administration 54, no. 3: 217–232.
Enhancing learning generally
- Inquiry-based learning for multidisciplinary programs: A conceptual and practical resource for educators by Blessinger, Patrick and John Carfora (2015) See other volumes (total of 10) in the Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning book series.
- Student Peer Review: Enhancing Formative Feedback with a Rebuttal by Harland, Tony, Nave Wald and Haseeb Randhawa (2016), Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education.
- Visible Learning and the Science of How we Learn by Hattie, John, and Gregory Yates (2013), London: Routledge - available on Amazon.
- The metaquestion: A different approach to course design by Paige, Robin (2016), RICE Center for Teaching Excellence.
Further resources
- Linking research and teaching: A selected bibliography by Healey, Mick (2015). Many of the above resources have been selected from this comprehensive bibliography.