
Teaching & Learning


Exemplar assignments

Overview of how to design a digital learning activity where students develop an understanding of expectations, standards and the process of constructing assessment and feedback.

Cartoon image of a person holding up an exam paper with a grade with the words: Exemplar Assignment

29 April 2021

About this activity

Students are shown anonymised exemplar of work/ previous assignments to develop an understanding of standards and criteria. 

Students can be asked to mark exemplar work individually or in groups to develop a better understanding of the process of assessment. 

Why use it

  • Develop an awareness of standards; 
  • Assessment literacy; 
  • Enhance independence and evaluation skills; 
  • Manage expectations.

When to use it

  • Mid-term; In preparation for a piece of assessment.

Digital tools that might be used

  • Moodle workshop tool 
  • Moodle Forums 
  • Annotation software  
  • Turnitin Peer-Review 
  • Shared document 

Speed of set up time 

30 to 90 minutes

Once the activity is set up and can be ‘reused’ then time will be considerably shorter.


Selecting exemplars:

  • writing rubrics and criteria;
  • setting up specific instructions for students.

 Please consider introducing the task during a session and model practice (this could include a video or screencast). 

 Please include a follow-up activity where feedback is provided.

Other resources

Any peer-feedback tool (Moodle workshop; Peer-review on Turnitin etc.) 

Examples of staff use

Arena toolkit for guided marking

Cartoon image of two people with speech bubbles
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