
Teaching & Learning


Three quick tips for creating better educational resources

9 July 2014

Edu Media tips

Ahead of his EduMedia workshop, former BBC producer Dr Mike Howarth shares three simple ideas that help him produce effective resources

Video producer Dr Mike Howarth is set to present his EduMedia concept at a practical workshop on 24 July. As an introduction, he offered to share three simple ideas he uses at the beginning of the creative process

1 Front loading

“Front loading is the phrase I use for defining my ideas at the very beginning of a project. The advice I’ve received throughout my career is that picking up the camera is the last thing you should do. Begin by writing, drawing and defining the project. Start at the beginning and think small.

“In practice, I take one aspect of the project at a time and write a heading and subheading, then three simple sentences about my idea that sum up the aims and objectives and define the experience students will receive in a session.”

2 Daydreaming

“Dreaming should be encouraged at this stage. Project yourself into the teaching event, imagine the interactions and activities minute by minute. Discuss with colleagues and read for inspiration.”

3 Be positive

“Don’t worry about problems, difficulties and issues you may face. Start with an attitude of anything is possible, and focus on the end experience for the student.

“The gains of using these very simple ideas are enormous. They’re the first steps of what I call organised creativity and can be applied to your work beyond the creation of teaching resources.”