Late Summer Assessment exam papers to be submitted by 19 July
30 June 2021
Exam papers should be submitted as PDF to the Exams Office to enable upload onto the AssessmentUCL platform.

Late Summer Assessments will take place from 16 August until 3 September 2021.
The Exams office will issue cover sheets and formally request exam papers via an MS Form on Wednesday 7 July, when the draft exam timetable is published. If there are any changes to dates or additional exams to be added, revised cover sheets will be sent to departments.
LSA exam papers need to be returned to the UCL Exams Office by Monday 19 July 2021. Exam papers should be submitted as PDF to enable upload onto the AssessmentUCL platform.
Meeting this deadline is important to enable the Exams team to set up all the exams due to run in the LSA examination period.
LSA guidance
All centrally managed exams during the Late Summer Assessment period will operate in the same way as those in the main examination period: they will be either timed or 24 hour online exams taking place on AssessmentUCL.
Full information on the exams operating model, FAQs and staff guidance for AssessmentUCL can be found on the Operation of exams and assessments webpages.
If you are new to Late Summer Assessments or need a refresher, detailed guidance is now available on the Exam Board Support pages (staff login required), including:
- What to do when
- Timelines for different types of programmes
- Exchange of Marks deadline
- How to run Sub Boards
- How to confirm which PGT students are eligible for condonement, and which students need to do resits or deferrals in the LSA
- External Examining requirements, including sampling, attendance at boards etc.
- Producing and seeking approval for exam papers for the LSA
- Running departmentally-managed resits/ deferrals outside of the LSA period