
Teaching & Learning


Keep up to date with Welcome and Induction plans

21 July 2021

UCL's new Student Welcome and Induction (SWI) team launch a Sharepoint and MS Teams area to keep staff updated on central plans for welcome communications and student induction.

Students talking with a welcome ambassador

A smooth transition to university is a significant factor in student success and the pre-arrival, welcome and induction segment of a student's UCL journey strongly shapes their perception of the university for the duration of their time here.  

As part of a UCL Welcome Project, the new Student Welcome and Induction (SWI) team is responding to recent student user research by: 

  • streamlining the onboarding process for students (i.e. the critical tasks a student needs to do to join UCL);
  • coordinating welcome communications and students’ first points of contact with UCL’s services; and
  • coordinating and improving induction events and material.

The team have launched a new Sharepoint space and MS Teams area to keep staff updated on central plans for welcome communications and student induction. 

See all welcome emails to students

The new Sharepoint site is a space for you to meet the new Student Welcome and Induction Team, discover resources for your welcome and induction processes, view the central events schedule and learn about the central communications schedule.

The team launched the welcome communications campaign on 22 June, with the first email to offer-holders thanking them for accepting their offer, signposting them to the New Students' Website and setting out key dates and milestones they can expect on their journey to joining us next term. 

The third email to offer-holders is scheduled for 27 July, ahead of the embargo period which takes place from 4-10 August. 

See the email calendar and copies of emails sent to students, segmented by level of study and home/international student status. 

Visit and follow the Sharepoint area

New MS Teams area

A new Student Welcome and Induction Microsoft Team has also been created, for you to communicate and collaborate with UCL staff on Student Welcome and Induction matters. 

This Team replaces the 'Student Induction Forum' Team. You can still access that Team and all of its contents, however, the Student Induction Forum Team is now frozen (read only) so no changes can be made. All Student Welcome and Induction activities will now take place in the new Student Welcome and Induction Team.

The Team Owners will use the 'General Channel' for official announcements and updates from the Student Welcome and Induction ('SWI') team. Staff are invited to post to any of the other Channels: 

  • Communications: anything related to the communication aspect of welcome and induction. Feel free to post about any email, website or general communication related queries.
  • Events: posts related to the events aspect of welcome and induction. Feel free to post any queries related to events or activities.
  • General Forum: post anything unrelated to boarding, communications or events. Feel free to start general discussions or to post any great welcome and induction solutions you've come across.
  • Onboarding: post anything related to the onboarding aspect of welcome and induction. Feel free to post any queries related to onboarding or the enrolment process.

Note: All members of the old Student Induction Forum have automatically been enrolled onto the new Student Welcome and Induction Teams area. 

Join the MS Teams area