UCL Consultation on Internal Examining
4 November 2020
UCL invites consultation on the roles and responsibilities of Internal and Assistant Internal Examiners.
UCL is conducting a college-wide consultation on the roles and responsibilities of Internal and Assistant Internal Examiners.
The consultation period will last until Monday 1 February 2021 to give committees time to meet and respond.
A discussion paper from Academic Services highlights a range of themes which the consultation will explore, and an online feedback form where you can respond to some, or all of the prompts. The discussion paper and feedback form are available on the SRS Exam Board Support webpages.
You can choose to respond as an individual or as a group for example, you might like to collate a response from your Board of Examiners, Departmental Teaching Committee, Faculty Board of Examiners or any other group with a particular interest in internal examining.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at academicregulations@ucl.ac.uk.