A new online approval service for new non-credit bearing CPD and short courses has launched
18 June 2018
UCL has launched a new online approval process - the Course Initiation Questionnaire (CIQ) - for new non-credit bearing (NCB) Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and short courses.

UCl has launched a new approvals process for all new short courses aimed at an external audience, the Course Initiation Questionnaire (CIQ), which is accessed through Portico.
The process will help you to:
- access library resources
- deliver your blended or online course via UCLeXtend (the UCL public Moodle platform)
- make informed decisions and focus on key information which will help you plan and develop an effective course.
Wendy Appleby, UCL Registrar and Head of Student & Registry Services, said:
“Introducing processes around short courses aims to give staff more confidence in what they are doing and to clarify the regulations, support and access to university services this group of learners is entitled to.”
Support available to you
- Contact UCL Life Learning for practical help and advice at lifelearning@ucl.ac.uk
- Designing short courses and CPD: resources for staff
- Designing programmes and modules with ABC curriculum design: Digital Education can run a CPD-specific workshop
Join a training session on Course Initiation Questionnaire (CIQ)
Wednesday 4 July 12:30 - 13:30
Room B04, Drayton House, 30 Gordon Street, London, WC1H 0QB