Discussing education and the UCL eugenics legacy, 1 June (online)
01 June 2023, 11:00 am–12:00 pm

Delivered by the UCL Eugenics Legacy Education Project (ELEP), join a roundtable discussion to share your views on the development of a framework for teaching and learning
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
- Free
Tor Wright
In September 2022 ELEP was established to follow up on UCL’s Eugenics Inquiry Response report education recommendations. A key recommendation from this report related to devising a framework for teaching and learning when working with UCL’s historic links to eugenics and an invitation to consider how engaging with this legacy would support the development of inclusive teaching and learning communities.
“It is clearly important to signpost a commitment to create a safe and inclusive space for education about eugenics and its legacies, as well as other sensitive issues. A protocol should be developed... covering expectations around student and staff conduct, protocols for dealing with any incidents that arise and a briefing document that outlines and explains acceptable and unacceptable language.”
Join the conversation
We would like to invite staff members from across UCL to attend a roundtable session to hear your views on the development of a framework for teaching and learning. The roundtables will be small group sessions of between 8-10 staff members. They are an important first stage in thinking about questions such as:
- how we do this work as a community?
- what is important to include in a framework of this kind?
- how we will know how well we have done?
It is important that these discussions are cross-faculty, and we will work to ensure that our work is representative of all staff groups across the series of roundtables. We will also work within a principled space policy. Download the draft policy (PDF).
Please watch this short introductory video to learn more about the roundtable process.
Choose a time
We are running several sessions this summer. Please choose one of the sessions using the sign-up form. We will keep the sessions small, so places are limited.
Wednesday 17 May 2023 3pm - 4pm (online)
Thursday 1 June 2023 11am – 12pm (online)
Tuesday 6 June 2023 3pm - 4pm (face-to-face)
Thursday 15 June 2023 3pm – 4pm (online)
Wednesday 21 June 2023 3pm – 4pm (face-to-face)
Wednesday 12 July 2023 3pm - 4pm (online)
If you cannot attend an event and would still like to contribute, please add your thoughts by emailing the ELEP team, elep@ucl.ac.uk, or by signing up to join our network (ELEN).