Supervising international research students (Online) 11 May
11 May 2022, 12:00 pm–1:30 pm

The purpose of this workshop is to enable supervisors to explore the implications of supervising research students who are from outside the UK.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
UCL Arena Centre02031088937
This event will take place online.Details and registration will be sent to you.******United Kingdom
Wednesday 11 May12:00 - 13:30
UCL Arena Centre are offering this session presented by Professor Stan Taylor (Durham University), which is open to all existing and new supervisors at UCL.
In the past two decades or so, there has been a massive increase in the numbers of research students who are studying in a country other than that of their origin, and in many countries they form a significant proportion of the total. This is particularly the case in the UK where around 47% of research students are from overseas (including both those from within and outside of the EU). So supervisors can expect that, on average, nearly one out of two of their research students will be from other countries, with significantly higher proportions in many science and engineering subjects.
The purpose or aim of this workshop is to enable supervisors to explore the implications of supervising research students who are from outside the UK.
The objectives to consider are:
- the potential benefits of international research students;
- the academic challenges that they may face;
- how supervisors might work with students to realise the benefits and overcome the challenges.
The workshop will consist of a mixture of short presentations and individual and group work.
Who should attend
New and existing research supervisors will find this session useful.
About the Speaker
Professor Stan Taylor
at Durham University
Stan Taylor is an Honorary Professor in the School of Education at Durham University. He specialises in doctoral supervision and has facilitated workshops on supervising international students for universities in the UK and overseas as well as for national and international bodies. He is currently chair of the Research Supervisors’ Network of the UK Council for Graduate Education, and authored its Good Supervisory Practice Framework. He has a number of publications in the field including (with Margaret Kiley and Robin Humphrey) A Handbook for Doctoral Supervisors (Routledge 2018) and (with Margaret Kiley and Karri A. Holley Eds.) The Making of Doctoral Supervisors (Routledge 2021).