Fundamentals of hybrid teaching - online and f2f
11 October 2021, 12:30 pm–1:45 pm

Find out more about hybrid teaching with a series of sessions.
Event Information
Open to
- UCL staff
- Yes
UCL Arena Centre and Digital Education
Like all universities, UCL is making decisions about how teaching will be structured during the first term of 2021/22. It seems likely that whilst many students will be on campus, others will not be able to physically attend due to travel or health restrictions. UCL staff may therefore be teaching live sessions in some programmes with a mix of physically present and remote students in the same teaching event.
This session offers colleagues the opportunity to:
- get a feel for the ‘basic hybrid’ set up (read more on basic hybrid teaching at UCL);
- witness the log in and computer settings process;
- develop an understanding of recommended protocols and techniques;
- seek answers to both technical and practical teaching questions
- and, if on campus, test the processes for themselves
Colleagues are recommended to join the session on campus if possible (room/location TBC) but also have the opportunity to join remotely.
Demonstration and input is scheduled to last for 60 minutes and colleagues are welcome to leave at this point or to stay to ask questions or to experiment with the set up.